ConPolicy Newsletter 2023 – 01

Dear Reader,


ConPolicy wishes you a good start into a successful and happy year 2023! In the first newsletter of the year ConPolicy informs you about:

We wish you an exciting read!

Kind regards!

Your ConPolicy team

  News about ConPolicy

Final conference of the European Good Practice Initiative on Cookie Banner Consent Management funded BMUV
ConPolicy hosts virtual conference on consumer-friendly cookie banner design

Cookies are often a nuisance for consumers – and, accordingly, cookie banners often affect companies' reputations. It doesn't have to be that way. Some companies, consumer protection associations and data protection organizations have joined forces to make cookie banners better.

The framework for this is the European Good Practice Initiative for Cookie Banner Consent Management - a multi-stakeholder process involving companies, consumer organizations, digital rights organizations, academics and government agencies. The initiative is funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection.

Over the course of 2022, stakeholders have been working on guidelines for consumer-friendly cookie banner design.

On January 26, 2023 from 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm. (CET) the virtual final conference of the European Good Practice Initiative for Cookie Banner Consent Management will take place.

At the conference, we will present the results and discuss them with stakeholders from business, civil society, data protection supervision and politics.

Dr. Christiane Rohleder, State Secretary at the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection, will give an opening statement. Marcel Ritter (Telefónica Deutschland Holding AG, General Counsel), Ursula Pachl (BEUC, Deputy Director), Rebekka Weiß (bitkom, Head of Trust and Security), Meike Kamp (Berlin Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information) and Prof. Dr. Gerald Spindler (Faculty of Law, University of Göttingen) will participate in the event. The agenda can be found here.

We look forward to welcoming you at the conference! The conference will be conducted in English. Please register here by 19 January 2023.
More information about the project can be found here. Please click here for the announcement of the conference on the website of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection.

Study for the German Environment Agency
New ConPolicy project on incentives for more sustainable mobility behavior

Mobility in Germany is still heavily dominated by private motorized transport. This is associated with considerable negative environmental impacts. With regard to possible political instruments and measures, it is evident that environmental relief cannot be achieved through technical advances and infrastructure measures alone, and that measures such as information and image campaigns are also insufficient for the necessary mobility turnaround. This results in a need for alternative instruments to motivate people to adopt more sustainable mobility behavior.

Against this background, the German Environment Agency commissioned ConPolicy together with the German Institute of Urban Affairs (Difu) and Dreidreizehn (313) to carry out this research project. The project aims to obtain a systematic overview of the state of research as well as good examples of financial and immaterial incentives and their impact on mobility behavior, and to investigate implementation options and framework conditions. As a result, a contribution is to be made to expanding the range of political instruments for promoting sustainable mobility behavior.

Further information on the project can be found here.

Nudges as Enablers of Sustainable Living
ConPolicy participates at expert group of the European Law Institute (ELI)

On 7 December 2022, ConPolicy Project Manager Dr. Annette Cerulli-Harms was invited to take part in the High Level Expert Group Meeting on 'Nudges as Enablers of Sustainable Living: Identifying their Potential and Legal Challenges'. The expert group was organised by the European Law Institute (ELI) with the objective to discuss potentials and legal challenges of nudges as well as to identify a potential new project on which the ELI could focus in the near future.
The expert group was composed of numerous well-known scholars spanning theory, philosophy, boosting, critique on nudges and legal experts among which „Nudge“ author Prof. Dr. Cass Sunstein. Cass Sunstein explained the FEAST Framework for Behaviour Change. FEAST is an acronym standing for 

  • Desired actions should be FUN.
  • To support sustainable behaviour, the right choice should be the EASY choice
  • Desired choices should be made ATTRACTIVE.
  • People are SOCIAL and tend to imitate others so if a majority of people does something, others will likely follow.
  • The right TIMING of nudging people is important.

Annette Cerulli-Harms spoke on the potential of nudges in the area of sustainable consumption. She brought attention to the 'attitude-behaviour gap': the gap between what people plan or are willing to do and what they really do. She then underlined the difference between the sustainability area and other areas: usually, the effects of one’s behavior regard them personally – for example reaping the health benefits of losing weight, whereas, in the sustainability area, people may never see the impacts of their own choices. She stressed the need to bridge the gap and said that nudges and choice architecture can serve this purpose. 
The group concluded the ELI should not exclusively focus on nudging but investigate behavioural science tools more broadly. Several ideas for new projects emerged including scrutinizing the validity of green defaults, assessing the circumstances under which nudges are acceptable to the public or investigating on whether there is a need to “nudge” institution and verify legal frameworks on how legislation is currently implemented and whether unconscious defaults work as intended. 

More information on the expert group is available here on the Website of the European Law Institute.

  Consumer policy news

Majority of German consumers already affected by cybercrime

Today, the digital association Bitkom published new survey results on cybercrime on the Internet for the year 2022. The results show that 75 percent… Read more

Consumer protection
Commission accepts commitments by Amazon for more competition on its platform

The European Commission (EC) has legally obliged Amazon to comply with its commitments to allow more competition on its online marketplace. These… Read more

Price more important than energy efficiency when buying digital devices

Today, the German Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) published new data on the purchasing criteria when buying digital devices from the information… Read more

Take-away food and beverages must be offered also in reusable packaging from 1st of January on

From January 01, 2023, restaurants, bistros, and cafés will be obliged to offer to-go food and beverages also in reusable packaging. This directive to… Read more

Consumer protection
Market check shows that only 40 percent of foods are labeled with Nutri-Score

Today, the Consumer Association North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) published the results of a nationwide market check on food labeling with the Nutri-Score.… Read more

  Recommended reading

Aretz A. & N. Ouanes
Smart meter rollout: Advancing the energy transition in a data-saving way

Smart electricity meters are an important prerequisite for the energy transition to move forward. But the rollout of these so-called smart meters is… Read more

Report on digital consumer protection 2021

This year's report highlights the special requirements for IT security in the automotive sector from the perspective of digital consumer protection.… Read more