ConPolicy Newsletter 2022 – 12

Dear Reader,


ConPolicy wishes you a blissful advent season and a merry christmas.

In the last newsletter of the year, ConPolicy informs you about:

We wish you an exciting read!

Kind regards!

Your ConPolicy team

  News about ConPolicy

Evaluation of communication formats for skeptical target groups
ConPolicy starts new project on Environmental Policy in Dialogue – Environment / Populism / Democracy

The socio-ecological transformation of society can only succeed if there is a high level of acceptance and support for it in society. For this to happen, it is necessary that environmental and sustainability policy also better reaches skeptical groups with a rather non-sustainable affinity. The project commissioned by the German Environment Agency "Environmental Policy in Dialogue – Environment / Populism / Democracy" therefore aims to find out which formats can be used to better reach and involve these groups.

Within the framework of the project, ConPolicy is responsible for evaluating the various communication and participation formats.

Further information on the project can be found here.

Consumer Protection in the Data Economy
ConPolicy input at a symposium of the Austrian Ministry of Consumer Protection

On November 25, 2022, the Austrian Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection hosted a one-day symposium on consumer protection in the data economy. The focus was on the commercialization of consumer data as a consumer policy challenge. 

In his keynote address, Prof. Dr. Christian Thorun, Managing Director of the ConPolicy Institute, addressed the topics of data power, digital asymmetry and digital vulnerability. He explained what is meant by data economy and why it is important in terms of consumer policy. In addition, he formulated theses on how the data economy should be evaluated in terms of consumer policy and what this implies for consumer policy. 

His central theses were:

  1. Thesis: The data economy should be seen as a new economic epoch for which we must establish new guard rails.
  2. Thesis: From a consumer policy perspective, it is still a matter of defending fundamental consumer rights.
  3. Thesis: In developing new guard rails, it must be taken into account that the asymmetry of power between consumers and companies has increased further as a result of digitalization.
  4. Thesis: It follows that legal regulations and effective law enforcement are necessary to guarantee consumer rights – especially with regard to companies with great market dominance.
  5. Thesis: In view of the high speed of innovation we also need companies to take their digital responsibility seriously as a complementary strategy (keyword: corporate digital responsibility).
  6. Thesis: Such digital responsibility should be in the very own interest of companies in order to maintain and promote consumer trust.
  7. Thesis:Digital policy and sustainability policy have not yet been thought together sufficiently. This is a serious deficit. Synergies must be explored.

His slides can be downloaded here.

BMUV Community Convention "Sustainable Digitization
ConPolicy involved in event 'Let’s think online shopping sustainably!'

In the BMUV-Community-Convention "Let’s think online shopping sustainably!” on 11/24/2022 Prof. Dr. Richard Geibel, head of the E-Commerce Institute Cologne, and Dr. Otmar Lell, project manager at ConPolicy presented technical approaches for more sustainability in online trade.

Dr. Otmar Lell provided information about the ZuSiNa project of the institutes ConPolicy, DFKI, Fraunhofer CERRI and Fraunhofer ISI, which is funded by BMUV. In particular, the project aims to provide a technical solution so that sustainability information is more readily available in online commerce than is currently the case. Currently, information about the certification of products is often not available in a digital form that online stores and comparison portals can easily integrate into their offerings. For this reason, the researchers at ZuSiNa are developing a data interface that can be used to retrieve current certification information from label organizations. This can save costs for online stores and comparison portals, which are currently incurred by the manual research of certifications, and the sustainability information for consumers will be improved.

In the discussion that followed, the consumption-enhancing incentives of online commerce were debated on the occasion of "social commerce" - marketing products directly via social media platforms such as Instagram. Some contributions emphasized that limiting consumption is essential to achieve environmental goals and that environmental policy must in this respect also offer answers to such developments.

Further information on the project can be found here.

  Consumer policy news

Consumer protection
Digital Services Act: New rules and responsibilities for online platforms

Today, the Digital Services Act (DSA) comes into force and with it a new set of EU rules for a safer and more accountable online environment. The DSA… Read more

Digital Barometer 2022: Measures to protect against cybercrime are not yet exhausted

The Police Crime Prevention of the Federal States and the Federation (ProPK) and the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) presented the new… Read more

  Recommended reading

Target, explore, solution, trial, scale – An introduction to running simple behavioral insights projects

The objective of this guide is to provide a practical, step-by-step outline on how to run a simple BI project. Since it is impossible to capture all… Read more

Explore – Four simple ways to map and unpack behavior

If you have ever been tasked with influencing a behavior, you will know that it is critical to understand that behavior in context. You need to… Read more

Reiter, J., O. Methner & B. Schenkel
Introduction of a 'mobility data watchdog' for consumer-friendly data use – Necessity, model, legal basis

The operation of modern vehicles generates large volumes of data of various types, referred to as mobility data, such as vehicle status information,… Read more

Gossen, M. et al.
Nudging sustainable consumption: A large-scale data analysis of sustainability labels for fashion in German online retail

A transition toward a sustainable way of living is more pressing than ever. One link to achieving this transition is to increase the currently low… Read more