Registration open
Invitation to the Sustainable Consumption Panel: What does right-wing populism mean for the green transformation?
Right-wing populists reject climate protection and spread misinformation about sustainable products such as electric cars or heat pumps. This has implications for the acceptance and dissemination of sustainable consumption patterns.
In view of the above, the fourth Sustainable Consumption Panel examines the connections and backgrounds of a strengthening right-wing populism in Germany and its effects on sustainable consumption. What does right-wing populism mean for the promotion of a socio-ecological transformation, especially in terms of sustainable consumption? What challenges are associated with it? These and other exciting questions will be discussed, and opportunities for exchange and networking provided through speed meetings and breakout sessions.
We cordially invite you to the Sustainable Consumption Panel on the topic 'What does right-wing populism mean for the green transformation?' on January 24, 2024, from 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM. You can find more information and the registration here.
Registration for the digital event open
Invitation to the conference: Highlights of the Environmental Awareness Study 2022 and impulses for socio-ecological transformation research
We would like to invite you to the conference "Highlights of the Environmental Awareness Study 2022 and Impulses for Social-Ecological Transformation Research" on January 25 from 09:30 - 13:00.
Every two years, the German Federal Environment Ministry and the Federal Environment Agency conduct an environmental awareness study to find out what people in Germany think about the environment. The latest study shows: Even if crises such as the war of aggression against Ukraine and inflation are currently more in the foreground, protecting the environment and climate remains an important issue for people in Germany. A very clear majority are in favor of the environmentally and climate-friendly restructuring of the German economy. However, it is important to respondents that the transformation takes place in a socially responsible manner and that particularly affected regions receive targeted support.
These findings will be presented at the conference, which is being organized by ConPolicy and the Institute for Ecological Economy Research on behalf of the German Federal Environment Agency. Four sessions will explore central topics of the study in greater depth. The aim is to provide impetus for environmental research and to obtain suggestions for future surveys on environmental awareness.
ConPolicy project manager Marlene Münsch will present the results of the study on the topic of "circular economy". The event will be moderated by ConPolicy Managing Director Prof. Dr. Christian Thorun. If you are interested, you can find more information and registration here.
ConPolicy finalises process evaluation on behalf of vzbv
Final report on the process evaluation of the project "Empowering consumers in neighbourhoods" published
The project "Empowering consumers in the neighborhood" aims to support vulnerable consumer groups in their everyday consumer lives in a variety of ways.
On behalf of the vzbv, ConPolicy evaluated the neighborhood project from May to September 2023 to determine which of the methods used are particularly effective in achieving the project objectives.
A comprehensive collection of primary data from various stakeholders and participants impressively demonstrated the benefits of the neighborhood project for the target group. The employees of the neighborhood project succeeded in gaining the trust of the target group and general recognition for the professional quality of the performed work. The most important conclusion from the evaluation is therefore the expressed desire across all surveys that the project should be continued unchanged and made permanent.
Further information on the project can be found here. You can download the evaluation report here.
What are the potentials of participatory formats for risk and scientific communication?
New Project for the Federal Office for Radiation Protection
Participatory formats represent a promising approach for successful risk and scientific communication. As part of a new research project for the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS), the ConPolicy Institute is investigating the potential of participatory formats for risk and scientific communication of radiation protection topics. To this end, exemplary case studies of such digital communication formats are collected and evaluated. The effects of selected scenarios will also be tested using a representative survey and in-depth individual interviews. ConPolicy is supported in the project by the market research institute INNOFACT AG, Prof. Dr. Constanze Rossmann (expert for risk and health communication) and Philipp Schrögel (expert for scientific communication, in particular participatory formats).
Further information on the project can be found here.
How can nudging drive the mobility transition?
ConPolicy presents research results at transport conferences
This fall, ConPolicy project manager Dr. Annette Cerulli-Harms is on the road to present the possibilities and impacts of nudging to the world of public transport and mobility management.
The core of her message is that everyone involved in the mobility transition and those who design and implement new transport measures should know and use the tools of behavioral science. Uncovering behavioral biases and designing choice environments in a way that removes barriers and presents desired behaviors in motivating ways can help encourage more people to switch to sustainable transport alternatives.
Annette Cerulli-Harms points out that default settings, social norms and making otherwise invisible information visible can effectively break through habitual behavior patterns.
The presented results draw, among others, on the findings of our publicly funded projects Green Nudging and MOBITAT 2050 and were presented at the Future Mobility Summit of the Tagesspiegel, the Nahverkehrstage of the University of Kassel and the German Conference for Mobility Management of DEPOMM.
ConPolicy participates in panel discussion on the attention economy
Digital Salon: "Mental rental space"
On 25 October 2023, the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society hosted the Digital Salon on the topic of "Attention Economy". Sven Ohl, researcher for Active Perception and Cognition at the Institute of Psychology at the Humboldt University of Berlin, discussed the mechanisms and incentive systems of today's digital world with Dr Otmar Lell, project manager at ConPolicy and expert in consumer policy and consumer law.
In the panel discussion, it became clear how complex, situation-dependent and easily influenced human attention is from the perspective of psychological research, and how digital platforms take advantage of this by designing digital environments in line with their business models. According to Otmar Lell, the digital world is like a supermarket in which consumption is the central motif. This supermarket is designed in such a way that users are constantly observed and all their actions are recorded, analysed and passed on. At the same time, everyone sees a different supermarket that is designed according to their own personal preferences and interests. Advertising and consumption are at stake even when we do not actually intend to consume – namely when we search for information, want to exchange ideas with friends, watch videos or play games. In all of these activities, we are encouraged to stay on for as long as possible so that we disclose more data and consume more advertising. The consumer-centric incentive structure of today's digital world is closely linked to the business models of personalised advertising.
The panel discussion also highlighted approaches and efforts to put people at the centre of the architecture of the digital world.
The recording of the panel discussion is available here.
Consumer policy news
Call for abstract is open (until 15 January 2024)
Third International Behavioural Public Policy Conference in June 2024
The Third International Behavioural Public Policy Conference will be held at the University of Cambridge from Sunday 23rd until Tuesday 25th of June…
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Repair instead of replace: European Parliament proposes new rules
The European Parliament (EP) adopted new rules today set to strengthen the consumer right to repair and to reduce the environmental impact of mass…
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EU-wide greenwashing complaint against large companies – Plastic water bottles are wrongly promoted as sustainable
Today, the European Consumer Organization BEUC together with its members from 13 Member States has filed a complaint to European authorities for…
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Mollen, A. et al.
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Publication in "Internationales Verkehrswesen"
Cerulli-Harms, A., Herrmann, L., Kettner, S. E., Münsch, M. & Rauber, J. (2023) Punctual, cheap, fast - and the climate? On the requirements for commuter mobility today and in the future
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