ConPolicy Newsletter 2024 - 07

Dear Reader,


In today's issue ConPolicy informs you about: 

On our own behalf, we would like to inform you that our esteemed colleague, Dr. Jana Diels, will be leaving the Institute in July 2024. Over more than ten years, Dr. Diels has been responsible for a large number of projects in the fields of sustainable consumption, consumer behavior and youth participation and many more. She also played a key role in developing the institute during crucial phases of its establishment and growth. Dr. Diels will take up a position at the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection.

We would like to thank Dr. Diels for her many contributions, her enthusiasm for new topics and kind personality! We wish her all the best for her new career move! 

With best regards,
Your ConPolicy team

  News about ConPolicy

ConPolicy organizes immersive event for the PRiME project
Expert workshop in the metaverse

On June 3, 2024, the first expert workshop took place as part of the BMBF-funded project “Privacy in the Metaverse” (PRiME). Experts from various fields, such as authorities, science, civil society and practice, were invited and discussed with the project's consortium partners, ConPolicy, the University of Bonn, the University of Göttingen and the University of Erlangen. The workshop was held in the immersive world of INVRTUAL and thus enabled not only the substantive discussion of privacy issues in the metaverse but also the actual experience of the metaverse in an individually designed, immersive venue.

The overarching goal of the workshop was to discuss the challenges of the metaverse for data protection and the personal rights of users together with the experts and to evaluate solutions presented by the research consortium.

The next step in the project will be empirical research.

You can find out more about the PRiME project here.

Study published by Ökoinstitut and ConPolicy on behalf of the Federal Environment Agency
Monitoring report on the implementation status of the National Programme for Sustainable Consumption

The National Programme for Sustainable Consumption (NPNK) was further developed by the Federal Government in 2021, combined with a catalogue of over 100 measures. The implementation status of these measures was surveyed for the first time between November 2023 and January 2024. The report presents the results of this survey, which is essentially based on a survey of the responsible departments in the federal government ministries. The report shows how far the implementation of the individual measures has already progressed, which implementation steps have been taken, when implementation took place and by when it is planned. It also shows the differences and similarities between the various areas of need and overarching areas of action.

The monitoring report can be downloaded here.

Further information on the project can be found here.

ConPolicy contribution in the anthology "Sufficiency in Business"
The paradox of minimalism: How the minimalism business can impede sufficiency

Minimalism is often interpreted as a sign of moving away from overconsumption. However, the numerous commercialized manifestations of minimalism do not necessarily contribute to sufficiency-oriented consumption. What business segments have emerged within minimalism? And what opportunities and risks do these pose for sufficiency-oriented consumption?

These questions were explored by ConPolicy project managers Dr. Viola Muster and Marlene Münsch in a chapter for the anthology "Sufficiency in Business: The Transformative Potential of Business for Sustainability."

The authors' analysis shows that many of the newly emerged business segments of minimalism primarily sell dispensable, aesthetic lifestyle products that promote consumerism rather than actual sustainability. This contrasts with sufficiency-oriented business models that aim for an absolute reduction in resource consumption. It seems necessary, therefore, to critically reflect on minimalist business models and focus on values such as quality, durability of goods, and mindful consumption, which were rooted in the origins of the minimalism movement but were lost on the path to commercialization.

The complete publication can be found here.
Further information on the project “MeinDing!” can be found here.

Invitation to the international webinar
Beyond Push and Pull: Incentive Schemes to Promote Sustainable Mobility Behaviour in Communal Practice

As part of the Incentives Project, ConPolicy, in collaboration with the German Institute of Urban Affairs (Difu), commissioned by the Federal Environment Agency (UBA), is organizing the international webinar "Incentive Schemes to Promote Sustainable Mobility Behaviour in Communal Practice".

The goal of the webinar is to discuss and position the potential of incentive schemes within the context of communal mobility policy. In a keynote presentation, ConPolicy project manager Marlene Münsch will present findings on the effectiveness of material, immaterial, and playful incentives. This will be followed by examples from communal practices illustrating how incentive schemes can be applied in practice. A subsequent discussion and outlook will address the framework conditions under which incentive schemes can be effective.

The international webinar will take place online on July 12, 2024, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM in English. You will receive the dial-in information after your registration via email.

Register now here.
We look forward to your participation!

  Consumer policy news

German consumers feel increasingly unsafe online

The latest results of the DsiN Security Index 2024 are worrying: with a historic low of 55.7 points, consumers in Germany feel more insecure online… Read more

Bundeskartellamt (Cartel Office) identifies problems with scoring in online shopping and formulates recommendations

The Bundeskartellamt has published a sector inquiry into scoring in online shopping, i.e. the assessment of customers' creditworthiness. Scoring goes… Read more

Food and product safety
New edition of the food warning system: New design with immediate notifications

The German Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL) and the 16 German federal states have comprehensively revised their food… Read more

  Recommended reading

Thøgersen, J. et al. (2024)
Positive, negative or graded sustainability labelling? Which is most effective at promoting a shift towards more sustainable product choices?

Sustainability labels convey information about different product attributes, such as its environmental impact, lifespan or ethical performance. The… Read more

Gossen & Niessen (2024)
Sufficiency in business - The Transformative Potential of Business for Sustainability

Our current economic systems are not geared towards the satisfaction of needs and the care for our environment and our fellow human beings, but solely… Read more

  Upcoming events

| Berlin, DE

XVIIth Interdisciplinary Workshop »Privacy, Data Protection & Surveillance«

| Berlin, DE

TU Berlin: Consumer education in light of didactic research

| Düsseldorf, DE

Agenda Future-oriented consumer research: Professionalization of consumer protection and consumer science - learning from the environmental sciences

| Berlin, DE

German Consumer Day 2024

| Wiesbaden, DE


| Berlin, DE, and online

Future Sustainability Week 2024

| Berlin, DE

10 Years of Expert Council for Consumer Affairs: Beginnings - News - Outlook

| Berlin, DE

TURN Conference