ConPolicy Newsletter 2024 – 01

Dear reader,

ConPolicy wishes you a good start into a successful and healthy year 2024! In its first edition, ConPolicy's newsletter informs you about:

We wish you an exciting read!

Kind regards!

Your ConPolicy team

  News about ConPolicy

New ConPolicy publication in Planetary Health thematic volume
Climate and health protection: Nudging towards sustainable and healthy behavior 

There are large discrepancies between people's attitudes and behaviors in both health protection and climate and environmental protection. At the same time, there are some correlations between behaviors that are beneficial for the climate and the environment and those that are beneficial for health. For example, giving up meat helps to reduce the individual's carbon footprint as well as contributing to their own health. 

How findings in the field of nudging can contribute to helping people make climate- and health-friendly decisions is discussed in a newly published article by ConPolicy project managers Dr. Julius Rauber and Marlene Münsch and ConPolicy fellow Dr. Max Vetter in the thematic volume "Climate and Health Protection: Planetary Health Solution Approaches" by editors Viviane Scherenberg and Johanne Pundt. After first outlining the concept of nudging in theory, various types of nudges are presented and, finally, how they can be used specifically to improve climate, environmental and health protection at the same time.

You can get an insight into the contents of the anthology here.
Further insights into the potential of nudging in terms of environmental sustainability were gained as part of the Green Nudging project and can be found here.

Event of the Ministry for Family, Women, Culture and Integration Rhineland-Palatinate
Invitation to the event: Consumer protection at noon - Creditworthiness versus data disclosure: How can scoring become more consumer-friendly?

As part of the digital event series "Consumer Protection at Noon" organized by the Ministry for Family, Women, Culture, and Integration of Rhineland-Palatinate, in collaboration with ConPolicy, current consumer policy issues are regularly discussed. In the upcoming event on Tuesday, January 30, 2024, from 12:00 to 1:00 PM, experts on the digital panel will discuss the question of how scoring could become more consumer-friendly.

Whether it's a mobile phone contract, rental apartment, or car loan, consumers are often faced with the question of their creditworthiness. A crucial factor in this regard is scoring, which involves assessing the creditworthiness and payment behavior of individuals. The economic importance of credit reporting agencies such as SCHUFA is undisputed in preventing credit defaults and overindebtedness. However, new players and business models constantly enter the market, working with consumer data. The recent ruling of the European Court of Justice changes the possibilities of using automatically generated scores.

Consumer Protection State Secretary Janosch Littig invites you to an engaging exchange with Justus Leonhardt (Head of Berlin Office, SCHUFA Holding AG), Johannes Müller (Finance Market Team, Federation of German Consumer Organizations), Natascha Reifert (Expert, The German Association of Credit Reporting Agencies, and Head of Compliance, CRIF GmbH), as well as Prof. Dr. Dr. Gert Wagner (former member of the Expert Council for Consumer Affairs (SVRV)).
The event will be moderated by ConPolicy Managing Director Prof. Dr. Christian Thorun.

To register, please click here or send a short message to

  Consumer policy news

Sustainable products will be the new European standard

On December 22, 2023, the EU Member States adopted the new eco-design regulation. In future, only products that have been manufactured in a… Read more

Digital eco-systems
The Bundeskartellamt and the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) extend cooperation in digital consumer protection

The Bundeskartellamt and the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) have extended their cooperation in the area of digital consumer protection.… Read more

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