ConPolicy Newsletter 2024 - 03

Dear Reader of the ConPolicy newsletter,


In today's issue ConPolicy informs you about: 

We wish you an exciting read!

Kind regards!

Your ConPolicy team

  News about ConPolicy

ConPolicy takes on new project for the Federal Office for Information Security
Policy study on transparency for consumer products

Cyber security risks of consumer products are often underestimated by consumers, although the relevance of digital products in everyday life, such as of smart home products or smartphones, is increasing for many. On behalf of the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI), the ConPolicy Institute is investigating as part of the project "Policy study: Transparency for consumer products" how cyber-security-relevant information should be communicated at the point-of-sale of products so that it is taken into account in the purchasing decision.

Based on the transfer of relevant research results from the areas of sustainable consumption, data protection, consumer information communication and risk communication onto the area of cyber security communication, concrete recommendations for action are to be developed after examining the current state of cyber security information communication on the market.

More information on the project can be found here.

Hybrid evening event organized by Bündnis 90/Die Grünen
Invitation to the event: Green, digital, fair: An agenda for Europe's consumers

Consumer policy is everyday policy. It affects us all. On the occasion of World Consumer Day, the importance and future of consumer policy will be discussed. The Bündnis 90/Die Grünen parliamentary group invites you to an evening event at the European House Berlin on March 12, 2024 from 6 pm. It will also be possible to participate digitally via Zoom.

The event will shed light on the current challenges and opportunities of consumer policy in Europe. Renowned political decision-makers will talk about the green and digital future of everyday consumer life and what needs to be done politically. You will be welcomed by Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen parliamentary group leader, Britta Haßelmann MdB, followed by a political introduction to the topic by Steffi Lemke, Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection. In addition, the two MEPs Linda Heitmann and Tabea Rößner will present their recommendations for a European consumer policy for discussion. External guests on the podium include experts such as Klaus Müller, President of the Federal Network Agency, and Ferda Ataman, Independent Federal Commissioner for Anti-Discrimination. You can also expect exciting power talks on various topics.

ConPolicy Managing Director Prof. Dr. Christian Thorun will guide you through the evening and the discussion.

Please click here to register.
We look forward to your participation!

Reducing data waste together with the CDR Initiative
Digital Data Clean-Up 2024

After the great success of the Digital Data Clean-Up last year, the CDR Initiative is carrying out the campaign again in 2024 and is looking forward to further organizations to join the campaign.

The Digital Data Clean-Up is a joint effort by various organizations as part of the CDR Initiative. The aim of the campaign is to inspire employees in companies and other organizations to clean up their data on hard drives, network drives, email inboxes and in the cloud and to support them in the implementation.

The campaign takes place from September 16th to September 27th, 2024. The implementation of the campaign itself is up to the participating organizations and can be designed in a modular and flexible manner. The participating organizations are supported by the office of the CDR Initiative by providing materials for preparation and implementation.

For more information, please visit the website.
In addition, an online event (German) on the Digital Data Clean-Up 2024 will take place on March 27, 2024, in which information about the campaign will be presented and questions will be answered. Register here.

ConPolicy publishes online guide as part of the ZuSiNa project
Better information for more sustainability in e-commerce

Currently, reliable information on the sustainability of products is often not yet systematically and comprehensively displayed in search engines, comparison portals and online stores. The "ZuSiNa" project is addressing this gap. The project tested approaches for the technical integration of certification information and identified consumer needs for information and its presentation.

The knowledge and solutions developed in the project are now to be made available for practical use. To this end, we published an online guide in February, which can be accessed via this link (in German).

The online guide presents the central results of the project and deals with three subject areas:

  • Part 1: Technical integration of label information in online retail
  • Part 2: Integrating sustainability information and making it visible
  • Part 3: Communicating sustainability information

The guide is aimed at practitioners in the online sector - i.e. representatives of label organizations, online stores, search engines and comparison portals, political actors who set the framework conditions for sustainability information in online retail and all other interested parties.

We wish you an exciting read.

  Consumer policy news

Consumer Protection
German government strengthens transparency and consumer protection in scoring

The German government recently passed an amendment to the Federal Data Protection Act in the cabinet in order to strengthen consumers' rights with… Read more

"Fit & fair by design": For more fairness in the digital space

The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) and Bitkom e.V. jointly organized a… Read more

  Recommended reading

Beyer, B. et al.
How Does Carbon Footprint Information Affect Consumer Choice? A Field Experiment.

To explore the question of how information provision about the carbon footprint of goods influences consumption decisions, it is worth taking a look… Read more

Stede, J. et al.
Sustainability effects of digitalization. An evaluation of current studies on the (quantitative) measurement of the environmental effects of digitalization

As digital transformation is advancing steadily, society is faced with the challenge of ensuring that this change remains in accordance with the… Read more

Melles, G.B. & Wölfel, C.
Design for a Sustainable Circular Economy - Research and Practice Consequences

The need to broaden the discourse around circular economy and challenging the mainstream view that relies on decoupling growth from production and… Read more

Gotsch, M. et al.
Study on the environmental sustainability of online retail in Germany

In view of the continuous growth in online retail sales in Germany up to 2021, online retail is expected to become increasingly important in the… Read more

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