ConPolicy Newsletter 2018 - 11

Dear Reader,


In today's issue ConPolicy informs you about: 

We wish you an exciting read!

Kind regards!

Your ConPolicy team

  News about ConPolicy

Digitalization aspects in standardization processes
ConPolicy develops strategic concept for DIN consumer council

Nowadays, aspects of digitalization affect almost all products and services. Also, the distinction between products and services has become fluid. Against this background, the DIN Consumer Council, who represents consumer interests in national, European and international standardization, faces the challenge that classical aspects of standardization, like usability or product safety, need to be broadened by requirements brought about by digitalization.

ConPolicy is commissioned to develop a strategic concept for the DIN Consumer Council to cope with digitalization in standardization processes for “classical” products and services. Specifically, the main challenges brought about by digitalization shall be elaborated and organizational implications for the DIN Consumer Council be deducted.

Find more information on the project here.

Big Data and consumer protection
ConPolicy presents two reports at ABIDA-conference

How does big data influence societies’ daily life and what challenges exist with respect to the use of big data? These and further questions were discussed at the ABIDA-conference on the 17th and 18th of October 2018 in Berlin.

ConPolicy-director Prof. Dr. Christian Thorun und project manager Dr. Sara Elisa Kettner presented two reports. “Big Data in Public Transport” focused on the attitudes of consumers towards the use and future development of Big Data-based innovations in public transport. The presentation on the report “Big Data and Smart Living” discussed several real-world scenarios from privacy, user-profiling and data security and derived recommendations on the use of big data in smart homes.

More information:
Big Data in Public Transport – Report and project description
Big Data and Smart Living – Report and project description

New Publication
Digital Ethics – The need for a Corporate Digital Responsibility

Recently the debate about responsible business conduct in the digital world has gained momentum.

In the context of a new publication Prof. Dr. Christian Thorun, Dr. Sara Elisa Kettner (both ConPolicy) and Dr. Johannes Merck (Otto Group) show that citizens expect the state and companies to shape the digital transformation responsibly. In addition, the authors discuss how the concept of Corporate Digital Responsibility can give companies an orientation for their digital actions and how the topic can be brought forward by installing a multi-stakeholder-platform in Germany.

The article was published in FES WISO Direkt.

Is it legitimate to influence consumers?
ConPolicy engages in a consumer protection conference of the Tagesspiegel

Are policy-makers entitled to influence the behavior of consumers? How legitimate are behavioral-science based regulatory instruments (so-called nudges)? – These are some of the question that are addressed at today’s consumer protection conference, which is hosted by the German Tagesspiegel.

After a scientific keynote by Prof. Dr. Gerd Gigerenzer (Director of the Harding-Zentrum für Risikokompetenz at the Max-Planck-Institute) Prof. Dr. Christian Thorun (ConPolicy-Director) discussed these questions with Prof. Dr. Gigerenzer, Sara Ryglewski (Spokesperson for consumer policy of the SPD-Fraction in the German Bundestag) and Prof. Dr. Breisach (Professor of Health and Social Management at FOM University of Applied Sciences).

  Consumer policy news

Financial services
British Financial Conduct Authority releases complaints data on financial firms

The British Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) published today its recent complaints data for the first half of 2018. The complaints volume increased… Read more

Consumer behavior
Consumer report shows: Consumer protection is important to Germans

Today, the Federation of German Consumer Organizations (vzbv) released its Consumer Report 2018 on consumers’ assessment of consumer protection… Read more

Consumer behavior
EU Scoreboard shows room for improvement regarding consumer trust

Today, the European Commission presented its 2018 Consumer Markets Scoreboard, which examines the consumers' perspective on 40 EU markets along… Read more

Checklist ensures consumer protection in international e-commerce

At this week's WTO Public Forum on e-commerce in Geneva, Consumers International, the umbrella organization of consumer associations worldwide,… Read more

  Recommended reading

van Ooijen, I. & H. Vrabec
Does the GDPR enhance consumers' control over personal data? – An analysis from a behavioral perspective

Because of increased technological complexities and multiple data-exploiting business practices, it is hard for consumers to gain control over their… Read more

Loer, K. & A. Leipold
Variants of nudging? Behavioral sciences and their influence on political instruments

Several ideas are associated with the term Nudging and its use in policy-making. There is, however, still no concise concept of nudging. The term… Read more

Straßheim, H. & R. -Lea Korinek
Different worlds of behavioral policy: Nudging in an international and transnational comparison

This contribution aims at a better understanding of the inter- and transnational diffusion of nudging as a subtype of behavioural public policy. It… Read more

Sunstein, C., L. Reisch & M. Kaiser
Trusting nudges? Lessons from an international survey

In the past decade, policymakers have increasingly used behaviourally informed policies, including “nudges”, to produce desirable social outcomes. But… Read more

Nyenhuis, M., J. Grundei & C. Thorun
Organizational anchoring of public affairs within companies

Public affairs activities are no longer primarily conducted by associations, but increasingly carried out by companies themselves. At the same time,… Read more