ConPolicy Newsletter 2018 - 12

Dear Reader,

we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

In the last issue of the year 2018 ConPolicy informs you about: 

We wish you an exciting read!

Kind regards!

Your ConPolicy team

  News about ConPolicy

Digitalization and corporate responsibility
ConPolicy engages in Bits & Bäume-Conference about a comprehensive sustainability rating of businesses in the digital economy

The digitalization transforms business models, value and supply chains as well as products and services. In the context of the Bits & Bäume-Conference a podium discussed the question whether traditional ethical, social and ecological criteria in company ratings are sufficient to assess companies in the digital economy.

ConPolicy-Director, Prof. Dr. Christian Thorun discussed these questions together with Dr. Teresa Schlüter (German Advisory Council on Global Change), Prof. Dr. Sascha Dinkel (IÖW & University of Mainz) as well as Prof. Andreas Kraemer (Ecologic Institute & Duke University).

Further information is available here:

Schedule of the event (German)

Video of the panel discussion: Comprehensive sustainability evaluation of companies in the digital economy (German)


Study for the European Commission published
Policy-relevant insights on consumers in the circular economy

A new study, that ConPolicy was involved with, shows that consumers are in principle willing to engage in the circular economy (CE) and consume sustainably but this does not reflect on their actual behavior so far. Therefore, the study investigated instruments that could boost consumers’ CE-engagement. Results show that by providing better information the willingness of consumers to buy more durable and reparable products can be increased.

Furthermore, five recommendations were derived:

  1. Increasing consumers’ CE-engagement by strengthening their environmental attitudes and awareness
  2. Making repair easier
  3. Creating financial incentives for reparability and durability of products
  4. Making information on reparability and durability of products visible at the point of sale
  5. Guaranteeing accurate information on reparability and durability of products

The study was implemented by ConPolicy in a consortium led by LE Europe and VVA for the European Commission. It sheds light on the motivational drivers and barriers for consumers in the circular economy. The results were collected on the basis of a behavioral experiment and survey in several EU member states.

Link to the study

More information on the project

  Consumer policy news

Products and services with EU Ecolabel on the rise

The European Commission published new data on the official EU Ecolabel for greener products and services today. It shows that the number of available… Read more

Consumer protection
New EU telecom rules strengthen consumers

Today, the European Parliament adopted the reform of the EU’s telecoms rules by establishing the European Electronic Communications Code and the Body… Read more

  Recommended reading

Behrendt, S., C. Henseling & G. Scholl (Eds.)
The digital culture of sharing – Sharing for more sustainable economic activities

The sharing economy is booming. The authors of this anthology investigate the motives, attitudes and effects of this new digital culture of sharing… Read more

Kühling, J. & F. Sackmann
Rights to data

For some time, there is a discussion in Germany about the modification or rather complementation of the data privacy regime under the slogan of „data… Read more

Samson, A. (Ed.)
The Behavioral Economics Guide 2018

The field of behavioral economics, and behavioral science more generally, has gained considerable popularity in academia, government and industry over… Read more

Paunov, Y., M. Wänke & T. Vogel
Transparency effects on policy compliance: Disclosing how defaults work can enhance their effectiveness

From an ethical standpoint, transparency is an essential requirement in public policy-making. Ideally, policy-makers are transparent and actively… Read more

Toussaint, T. & A. Garber
Trouble in toyland – The 33rd annual survey of toy safety

For over 30 years, U.S. PIRG Education Fund has conducted an annual survey of toys to look for safety problems. This research has led to more than 150… Read more

Tiefenbeck, V. et al.
Real-time feedback promotes energy conservation in the absence of volunteer selection bias and monetary incentives

Feedback interventions have proved to be effective at promoting energy conservation behavior, and digital technologies have the potential to make… Read more

Forever anonymous: How to prevent de-anonymization?

In dealing with the more and more increasing amounts of data in the digital age, anonymization and pseudonymization are important tools – both in… Read more