ConPolicy Newsletter 2018 - 4

Dear Reader,


In today's issue ConPolicy informs you about: 

We wish you an exciting read!

Kind regards!

Your ConPolicy team

  News about ConPolicy

Users are open to innovations - High importance of data protection
ConPolicy submits report about big data in public transport

ConPolicy, together with InnoZ (The Living Lab for Connected Mobility), has completed a survey on big data in public transport for the project association ABIDA (Assessing Big Data).

As part of the report, InnoZ outlined possible applications of Big Data in public transport and ConPolicy investigated the potential impact of such innovations on consumers. Results show that customers are in principle open to digital innovations in public transport, but have a high need for security – especially with regard to data protection.

More information can be found here.

Consumer behavior in digital financial markets
ConPolicy starts new project for the European Commission

The digitalization of financial services is developing rapidly and is transforming the way consumers behave in digital financial markets. Although these developments bear a lot of advantages for consumers, they likewise imply risks, e.g. with regard to the marketing and information disclosure of financial products.

The European Commission assigned ConPolicy (together with a consortium consisting of LE Europe, Ipsos NV and VVA Europe) to map the European landscape of commercial practices in online financial markets and to identify and test the drivers behind the effectiveness and propagation of these commercial practices through behavioral experiments.

Find more information here.

New mandate
ConPolicy-Director appointed to the investment committee of ÖKOWORLD

Sustainable consumption cannot only be witnessed in daily consumption choices in the supermarket, but also in private investment decisions. Since 1995 ÖKOWORLD offers the sustainable investment funds ÖKOVISION. Which titles are considered sustainable and are included in the universe of this funds is decided by an independent investment committee. This committee comprises of 11 members. Members are inter alia Dr. Martin Kunz (expert in fair trade), Prof. Andreas Kraemer (founder of the Ecologic Institute) as well as Prof. Dr. Angelika Zahrnt (honorary chair of the Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland). ConPolicy-Director, Prof. Dr. Christian Thorun, was appointed as a new member to this committee to strengthen the consumer perspective.

  Consumer policy news

Single Market
Commission proposes cheaper cross-border payments and more transparent currency conversion

Today, the Commission adopted proposals on cheaper cross-border payments across the EU and fairer currency conversions for consumers. The new rules… Read more

Financial services
British Ombudsman presents latest complaints data on financial businesses

Today, the British Financial Ombudsman Service released its latest six-monthly consumer complaints data linked to banks, insurance companies and other… Read more

Smart language assistants understand more than they should

Today, the market watchdog team at the consumer association North Rhine-Westphalia (vz NRW) presented its results of a technical review of the digital… Read more

Consumer protection
Toys and cars rank among the top dangerous products in the Rapid Alert System

Today, the Commission presented its 2017 report on the Rapid Alert System for dangerous consumer products. Overall, the Rapid Alert System registered… Read more

Financial services
New credit card rules strengthen consumers

On 28 February 2018, the British Financial Conduct Authority published its final policy statement on new rules for the credit card market which come… Read more

  Recommended reading

Reifner, U.
"Verbraucher und Recht" – The logic of consumer law and consumer protection

The journal "Verbraucher und Recht" (VuR) is getting old. Formerly founded at the College of Business and Politics, it has received its name wisely.… Read more

Buck, C., S. Burster & T. Eymann
Cognitive biases and information privacy in mobile applications

Due to the profound integration of information systems, e. g. by smartphones and tablets, into the private and professional daily routines,… Read more

The EBA's FinTech roadmap & Final report on Big Data

The EBA's FinTech roadmap
In August 2017, the European Banking Authority (EBA) published a Discussion Paper on its approach to financial technology… Read more

Cass Sunstein & Lucia Reisch
Behavioral economics and public opinion

In recent years, there has been a great deal of discussion of uses of behavioral economics in policy circles, with a focus on empirical, conceptual… Read more

Troussard, X. & R. van Bavel
How can behavioral insights be used to improve EU policy?

The introduction of behavioural insights into policy-making is welcome, because they challenge traditional assumptions in policy-making which are… Read more

Oehler, A.
The basics of generally accepted scoring principles

Scoring and comparable methods that are used to rate people’s future behaviour can provide useful information for suppliers and thereby reduce the… Read more

Meta-analysis of the causal effects of behavioral interventions on the energy consumption of private households

Climate protection programs are on the political agenda worldwide. As a means to achieve the ambitious climate gas reductions, the European Union,… Read more

European Commission
A multi-dimensional approach to disinformation – Report of the independent High level Group on fake news and online disinformation

In January 2018, the European Commission set up a high-level group of experts («the HLEG») to advise on policy initiatives to counter fake news and… Read more

Transforming culture in financial services

Wells Fargo is one example in a long line of cross-industry organisations where culture is mooted as the root cause of scandals, crises and… Read more

Sunstein, C., L. Reisch & J. Rauber
A worldwide consensus on nudging? Not quite, but almost

Nudges are choice-preserving interventions that steer people's behavior in specific directions while still allowing them to go their own way. Some… Read more

L., Nicola & P. Bertoldi
Beyond energy efficiency and individual behaviors: Policy insights from social practice theories

This conceptual paper deals ultimately with the intricate relationships existing between quantity and quality in the field of energy conservation… Read more