ConPolicy Newsletter 2018 - 8

Dear Reader,


In today's issue ConPolicy informs you about: 

We wish you an exciting read!

Kind regards!

Your ConPolicy team

  News about ConPolicy

New publication
The market for „good labour“ – an empirical analysis

The interests of consumers and employees can differ fundamentally. While it is in consumers’ interest to buy at the lowest prices, employees depend on good working conditions.

In the context of a consumer survey, which was based on information economics, Prof. Dr. Peter Kenning, Lasse Meißner (both University of Düsseldorf) and Prof. Dr. Christian Thorun (ConPolicy-Institute) investigate this tension. They show that it can be explained by the incapability of consumers to identify “good labour”. Hence they argue that consumer policy could work to counteract this phenomenon by increasing transparency in the market.

The results of this analysis are published in the June-Journal of Wirtschaftsdienst.

Mobility 4.0 platform debate at ESMT Berlin
ConPolicy talks on to the topic of mobility and digitization

In the future, digital platforms will gain in importance in the field of mobility. Consumers will be offered convenient, simple and comprehensive solutions for planning and undertaking their trips. In addition to many advantages, potential problems such as data protection, data security or social participation of special user groups must also be taken into account.

Against this background, the Digital Society Institute of ESMT Berlin invited to a discussion round. Representatives of politics, science and business met here to discuss the current state of affairs and options for action. ConPolicy Project Manager Dr. Julius Rauber gave a keynote speech on "Big Data in Public Transport", summarizing the results of the ABIDA report, thus introducing the consumer perspective to the discussion

  Consumer policy news

Consumption behavior
Packaging consumption in Germany remains high

Today, the German Federal Environmental Agency (UBA) published the results of its study entitled "Emergence and recycling of packaging waste in… Read more

Consumer protection
Consumer credit: Additional contracts instead of repayment are problematic

Today, the market watchdog for finances at the consumer association Saxony released its results of a recent online survey on consumer credit.… Read more

Commission fines Google for illegal Android operations

The European Commission today fined Google €4.34 billion for violating EU competition law.
Specifically, Google is charged with illegal restrictions… Read more

  Recommended reading

Hellmann, K.-U.
The throwaway society – An interjection

Whilst public criticisms of an increasingly wasteful consumer society emerged already in late nineteenth Century, the specific concept of a „Throwaway… Read more

Sunstein, C. & Lucia Reisch
Greener by default

Careful attention to choice architecture promises to open up new possibilities for reducing greenhouse gas emissions – possibilities that go well… Read more

Artz, M. et al. (Eds.)
Who is 'the consumer'?

Even if many talk about "consumer", "consumer protection" or "consumer law" without explanatory additions, these "labels" conceal a closer look at… Read more

Thorun, C., P. Kenning & L. Meißner
The market for „good labour“ – an empirical analysis

The interests of consumers versus employees  can differ fundamentally. While some want to buy as cheaply as possible, working conditions are of great… Read more

Hölzel, J.
Anonymization techniques and data protection law

Anonymization techniques are attributed a special role in the implementation of legal obligations, such as technical-organizational measures for… Read more

Approach to consumers

The Approach to Consumers sets out the FCA’s expectations, first published for consultation in 6 November 2017, on how consumers should be treated by… Read more

Discussion Paper on a duty of care and potential alternative approaches

The discussion paper explores if there is a need for a specific duty of care requirement for firms in financial services.  It explores if a new duty… Read more

German Federal Office of Justice
Consumer dispute settlement report 2018

In its function as the central point of contact, the German Federal Office of Justice is responsible for publishing the report on consumer dispute… Read more

Contissa, G. et al.
Automating the evaluation of privacy policies using Artificial Intelligence

This report contains preliminary results of the study aiming at automating legal evaluation of privacy policies, under the GDPR, using artificial… Read more

Report on the prudential risks and opportunities arising for institutions from FinTech

The rapid evolution of FinTech with its multiple applications and interactions within the financial services sector, ranging from front-end to… Read more

Graf, R.
Behavioral control beyond market and morality – The environmental debate in the Federal Republic of Germany and the USA in the last third of the 20th century

For several years both national governments as well as international organisations are increasingly discussing political management tools which rely… Read more