ConPolicy Newsletter 2018 - 9

Dear Reader,

we hope you have spent a restful summer.

First of all two matters on our own behalf:

We are looking for a motivated employee to complement our team starting from January 2019. We would be glad if you forward our job advertisement to suitable candidates. Find more information in this newsletter's section "News about ConPolicy".

In addition, on September 27, 2018, together with our partner Systain, we are organizing the first Leaders' Circle on Corporate Digital Responsibility in Berlin. We are looking forward to your participation. Again, you find further information in the newsletter section "News about ConPolicy".


In today's issue ConPolicy informs you about: 

We wish you an exciting read!

Kind regards!

Your ConPolicy team

  News about ConPolicy

Project manager for consumer research
Vacant position at ConPolicy

ConPolicy is looking for a project manager (m/f) in the field of consumer research and consumer policy starting in January 2019. In addition to independently managing diverse research and consulting projects for clients from politics, businesses and civil society, we offer you creative freedom and the possibility to become part of a motivated team with flat hierarchies in the heart of political Berlin. 

More details on the position can be found here. We are looking forward to your application!

Moderation and process consulting for the German Initiative on Sustainable Cocoa

Improving the living conditions of cocoa farmers and their families and contributing to a secure living – this is one of the goals of the German Initiative on Sustainable Cocoa. In addition, the focus of the multi-stakeholder initiative is on the preservation of natural resources and biodiversity in the producing countries as well as the cultivation and marketing of sustainably produced cocoa.

Since August, ConPolicy project manager Dr. Max Vetter supports the forum, in which members of the four stakeholder groups German public sector, industry, grocery retail and civil society work together, through moderation and process consulting in workshops and other meetings.

Find more information on the project here.

Leaders' Circle on September 27, 2018 in Berlin
Invitation for ConPolicy-Workshop on Corporate Digital Responsibility

On September 27, 2018, ConPolicy and Systain Consulting invite you to a Leaders’ Circle on Corporate Digital Responsbility. In a mix of practical presentations and interactive workshop-elements, corporate opportunities and challenges for taking digital responsibilities will be discussed.

Please find further information on the workshop here.

Consulting project for the Otto Group
ConPolicy completes project on Corporate Digital Responsibility

The more relevant digitalizationbecomes in companies, the more they have to deal with their digital responsibility. As one of the first companies in Germany, the Otto Group has started a structured process analyzing their responsibility in the digital world.

ConPolicy consulted the group in several workshops and conducted a gap-analysis to identify potential opportunities challenges resulting from digital transformation.

Please find more information on the project here.

  Consumer policy news

Consumer protection
Market watchdogs show risks of networked toys

The market watchdog team of the consumer association NRW today published its market overview of toys connected to the Internet. Among the biggest… Read more

Financial services
British banks have to disclose more information on their quality of service

As of today, the British Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) requires banks to publish information on survey results regarding how likely… Read more

Consumer behavior
Consumers purchase more high-emission SUVs and off-road vehicles

Today, the German energy agency dena released its monitoring report 2017 on the development of first registrations of CO2 efficient cars. It shows… Read more

Consumer protection
Market watchdogs reveal extreme price fluctuations for online products

The market watchdog for the digital world at the consumer association Brandenburg today published its results on dynamic price differentiation in… Read more

  Recommended reading

Witterhold, K.
Refugees as consumers: Challenges and opportunities for consumer research, consumer protection and consumer policy

This article examines the need for support regarding refugees in terms of enabling them to act in their role as consumers within the German market.… Read more

Read, O. & K. Gräslund
First steps towards regulating Bitcoin and other virtual currencies in the EU

Bitcoin and other virtual currencies are becoming increasingly important. They are not money but are being used by a growing group of people as a… Read more

Busch, C.
Consumer protection in the platform economy

The rapid rise of platform economics offers both opportunities and risks from the consumer's perspective. Especially in the area of the sharing… Read more

Ezrachi, A.
EU competition law goals and the Digital Economy

New competition dynamics in the digital economy raise questions as to the normative scope of competition enforcement. The question – "Is this a… Read more

Encouraging retirement planning through behavioral insights

This research report identifies behaviorally informed ways that government, regulators, employers, and financial institutions can encourage retirement… Read more