ConPolicy Newsletter 2019 - 11

Dear Reader,


In today's issue ConPolicy informs you about: 

We wish you an exciting read!

Kind regards!

Your ConPolicy team

  News about ConPolicy

CDR-Initative of the BMJV
ConPolicy moderates event on Corporate Digital Responsibility at the Digital Summit in Dortmund

It is state of the art that companies develop strategies on how they strive to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, how they implement human rights due diligence assessments and how they increase diversity. These kinds of activities are summarized under the term Corporate Social Responsibility. They aim at taking responsibility for societal issues beyond legal compliance.

However, the discussion on the responsibility of companies with respect to the positive and negative effects of the digitalization of their business models is quite new. This discussion is conducted under the term Corporate Digital Responsibility.

In order to promote the debate on this topic and to provide companies with a learning platform, the German Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (BMJV) launched the CDR-Initiative in 2018. In the context of the 2019 Digital Summit in Dortmund, representatives of the initiative showed why the issue of digital responsibility is of great importance, what good examples already exist and what contribution the CDR-Initiative is making to advance the issue.

ConPolicy-Executive Director, Prof. Dr. Christian Thorun, moderated the panel discussion between BMJV-State Secretary Gerd Billen, Christiane Fritsch from ING Deutschland, Daniel Schmid from SAP SE, Andrea Martin from IBM Watson IoT Center in Munich as well as Dr. Marc Al-Hames from Cliqz.

Identification of training needs of European consumer organizations
ConPolicy conducts empirical study for the European Commission

Consumer organizations play a crucial role to offer consumers independent advice and to represent consumer interests in the political process. In the context of the project Consumer Pro the European Commission entrusted the European consumer organization BEUC to implement a capacity-building project to make consumer organizations and other actors in consumer policy stronger and better equipped to protect consumers in their country.

To ensure that this capacity building program is tailored to the actual training needs of the target audience, together with BEUC ConPolicy undertakes a needs analysis. By means of a quantitative online-survey and qualitative telephone interviews the different topics and skills are identified that should be addressed in order to build up both the capacity and effectiveness of the European consumer movement. On that basis, a comprehensive program as well as training resources and other useful tools will be developed.

For more information please follow this link.


Can nudging help to stop climate change?
ConPolicy participates at panel discussion

Many people care about the environment and attach great importance to climate protection. At the same time, unsustainable behavior is often observed among many citizens. At the 6th bpb:forum "Who saves the world?" of the Federal Agency for Civic Education in Bonn, Dr. Julius Rauber, a participant in the panel discussion, explained where this discrepancy comes from and how the concept of nudging as an alternative instrument to taxes and laws can lead to more sustainable behavior.

The event was broadcast live. The video can be found here.

  Consumer policy news

Reports about progress against disinformation on online platforms published

The European Commission published the first annual self-assessment reports from Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Mozilla, Twitter and seven European trade… Read more

Consumer behavior
European consumers mainly concerned about plastic waste

Today, the German association for consumer research (GfK) published results of an environmental survey that identifies plastic waste to be one of the… Read more

Consumers see climate protection as an opportunity

Today, the Federation of German Consumer Organizations (vzbv) presented results of a consumer survey on climate protection. The vast majority of… Read more

  Recommended reading

Ochs, C. et al. (Eds.)
The future of the data economy – Between business model, collective good and consumer protection

Digital data is seen as a source of economic growth, innovation and employment as well as a driver of the data-based reorganization of virtually all… Read more

Martini, M.
Blackbox algorithm – Fundamental questions about regulating Artificial Intelligence

This book provides a legal analysis of the opportunities and dangers of algorithm-based processes. Algorithms that work in the engine room of modern… Read more

Buhl, J. et al.
The Material Footprint of private households in Germany: Linking the natural resource use and socioeconomic characteristics of users from an online footprint calculator in Germany

Footprint calculators are efficient tools to monitor the environmental impact of private consumption. The authors present the results of an analysis… Read more

Kenning, P.
Consumer Neuroscience – A transdisciplinary textbook

The young field of consumer neuroscience pursues the idea of integrating neuroscientific methods, theories and insights into consumer and buyer… Read more

Forberger, S. et al.
Nudging to move: A scoping review of the use of choice architecture interventions to promote physical activity in the general population

Nudges are used to alter lifestyles and thus curb the rise of non-communicable diseases. Physical activity is a core prevention strategy to reduce the… Read more

Brauer, J. et al.
Prosumption models and their sustainability potentials using the example of nutrition and clothing: Recommendations for consumer policy to promote sustainable prosumeration

A growing part of society increasingly desires trustworthiness and individuality in their consumption. Two aspects that the mass market falls short of… Read more

Lynch, L. et al.
Consumers and IoT security

The Internet of Things (IoT) and the proliferation of connected devices can bring many benefits to consumers. Connected devices are convenient and… Read more

Frick, V. et al.
Digitalization of markets and lifestyles – New challenges for sustainable consumption. State of research and recommendations

In this report from the project "Digitalization of markets and lifestyles – new challenges for sustainable consumption" an overview of research and… Read more

Sala, S. & V. Castellani
The consumer footprint: Monitoring sustainable development goal 12 with process-based life cycle assessment

Sustainable and responsible production and consumption are at the heart of sustainable development, explicitly mentioned as one of the sustainable… Read more

Climate change and green finance: Summary of responses and next steps

In October 2018, the FCA published a discussion paper DP18/8 on climate change and green finance, which sought views on potential FCA action on… Read more

The state of IT security in Germany 2019

With this report on the state of IT security in Germany 2019, the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) presents a comprehensive and… Read more

Disclosure: Why it shouldn’t be the default

Financial services disclosure has traditionally been assumed to inform us (as consumers), help us make ‘good’ financial decisions, and drive… Read more