ConPolicy Newsletter 2019 - 12

Dear Reader,


In today's issue ConPolicy informs you about: 

We wish you an exciting read and ahappy advent season!

Kind regards!

Your ConPolicy team

  News about ConPolicy

Innovation Workshop for the Federal Environment Agency and the Federal Environment Ministry
Algorithms, filters and search engines for sustainable consumption

Algorithms decisively influence the digital visibility of products, for example in search engines or on comparison and rating platforms. Whether sustainable consumption on the Internet succeeds or not therefore depends to a large extent on algorithms. How can algorithms be put at the service of sustainability? With which innovative ideas and concepts can algorithms be used to promote sustainable consumption?

Within the “Leuchtturm” initiative "Ways and components to build a digital agenda for sustainable consumption" by the Federal Environment Ministry and the Federal Environment Agency, answers to these questions and ideas for pilot projects are sought for in two workshop sequences. The workshop sequence "Algorithms, filters and search engines for sustainable consumption" starts with a first creative workshop on:

Date:                    Tuesday, 14 January 2020, 10:00 am – 4:30 pm

Place:                   German Federal Environment Ministry, Berlin

The event is aimed at initiators from companies, start-ups, initiatives and other organizations who want to make an active contribution and promote project ideas. It is organized by ConPolicy employee Viola Muster together with the Institute for Ecological Economy Research and Gerd Scholl.

If you are interested in participating, please contact Dr. Viola Muster (

We are looking forward to the exchange during the workshop!

Project "Green Nudging"
ConPolicy participates in the exchange about Green Nudges during a networking meeting

Within the framework of a networking event of the Green Nudging project, participating and interested companies as well as project participants – including Dr. Julius Rauber and Marlene Münsch from ConPolicy – met in the Bremen Press Club to talk about their experiences in the project and exchange ideas. The focus was on three questions:

  • Which specific nudges are being tested within the framework of the Green Nudging project? 
  • What experience have the companies had with the implementation so far? 
  • What lessons can be learned from the pilot for the rollout?

After a moderated part, the attendees were able to exchange ideas over a tasty snack and drinks in a relaxed atmosphere.

The networking meeting formed an exchange room in the Green Nudging project, funded by the National Climate Initiative of the Ministry of the Environment which ConPolicy is implementing together with three German energy agencies. As part of the three-year project, green nudges are developed, implemented and evaluated across different companies. Also, CO2-savings generated by the nudges are accounted for in the project.

More about the project can be found in our reference and on the project homepage.

Behavioral research on behalf of the German Advisory Council for Consumer Affairs
New ConPolicy study on personalized consumer information

Consumer information is ubiquitous in everyday consumer live. In particular, is serves to warn consumers of dangers and to enable them to make informed consumption decisions.

However, despite the central importance of consumer information, they have been criticized in consumer policy and research. Some call to improve the effectiveness of consumer information by taking greater account of behavioral insights. It is also proposed to personalize consumer information using digital technologies. Personalization could affect different aspects: content, level of detail, framing, arrangement of options, timing and (graphic) form. These factors could also be varied in different dimensions. For example, in terms of the financial vulnerability, consumer skills, sustainability attitudes or media use.

This study examines the effects of personalization on behavior, subjective and objective information, satisfaction and acceptance. Therefore, a behavioral experimentis designed and conducted in collaboration with decision-context. In connection with another legal study the purpose of this study is to provide guidance to the German Advisory Council for Consumer Affairs for its work on this question.

For more information please follow this link.

  Consumer policy news

Consumer behavior
Scoreboard reveals new insights into consumer conditions in the EU Single Market

Today, the Commission published its 2019 Consumer Conditions Scoreboard. Results reveal that different consumer conditions are converging across the… Read more

Packaging waste in Germany reaches new high

At the occasion of the European Week for Waste Prevention, the German Federal Environmental Agency (UBA) published a report on the emergence and… Read more

Consumer behavior
Ordering regional food online

Today, the digital association Bitkom published results of a consumer survey, according to which consumers buy regional groceries increasingly by… Read more

  Recommended reading

Baule, B. et al. (Eds.)
Transformations of consumption – From industrial mass to individualized digital consumption

Where is our consumer society headed? How have the attitudes and behaviour of consumers changed? Are we witnessing a shift from mass industrial… Read more

Consumer Conditions Scoreboard – Consumers at home in the Single Market | 2019 edition

The consumer conditions scoreboard (‘the scoreboard’) is the main instrument for monitoring the consumer environment across Europe. It benchmarks… Read more

Jachimowicz, J. et al.
When and why defaults influence decisions: A meta-analysis of default effects

When people make decisions with a pre-selected choice option – a ‘default’ – they are more likely to select that option. Because defaults are easy to… Read more

A European way into our common digital future

The new EU Commission President has announced a Green Deal for Europe. This can only succeed if the opportunities and risks of digitization are taken… Read more

UBA (Ed.)
Making digitization sustainable

Digitization not only transforms our society, it also has an environmental impact: on the one hand, digitization can improve the environment, e.g.… Read more

German Federal Network Agency
The blockchain technology – Potentials and challenges in the energy and telecommunications network sectors

Ever since the cryptocurrency Bitcoin has been in the public eye, the underlying blockchain technology is receiving ever-increasing attention.… Read more

Guide on bundled products

In recent years, consumers are increasingly purchasing so-called “bundled products” (also known as combined, optional or additional services).… Read more