ConPolicy Newsletter 2019 - 2

Dear Reader,

In today's issue ConPolicy informs you about: 

We wish you an exciting read!

Kind regards!

Your ConPolicy team

  News about ConPolicy

New project for the European Commission
ConPolicy-Study on geographical indications on products

Many producers highlight quality and heritage of a product by adding geographic indications of origin to product names such as “Murano glass” or “Champagne wine”.
Consumers value such geographic indications. However, other producers may have an interest in imitating the traditional products and ‘free-ride’ on their reputation.
ConPolicy, with support from other project partners, is therefore analyzing the value of so-called sui generis geographic indications of origin for non-food products for the European Commission 

To this end, ConPolicy is designing behavioral experiments and assesses among other things how geographic indications impact consumers’ search costs, willingness to pay and perception of authentic products.

Please find more information on the project here.

KErn Science Seminar
ConPolicy discusses opportunities and challenges of nudging in the health and nutrition sector

At this year's Science Seminar of the Competence Center for Nutrition (KErn) at the University of Bayreuth, ConPolicy project manager Dr. Max Vetter outlined the opportunities of behavior-based measures such as nudges for health promotion. Under the title "Nudging: On the potential of effective interventions beyond homo oeconomicus", he emphasized that nudging can contribute to effective, accepted and evidence-based health promotion measures.

In the following panel discussion, Max Vetter continued the debate on the opportunities and challenges of nudging together with Prof. Dr. Hannelore Daniel (TU Munich), Dr. Kai Purnhagen (Wageningen University) and Marcus Otto (Association of the Sugar Industry e.V.).

An interview with Max Vetter on this topic can also be found in the section "Controversially discussed" on the KErn homepage.

ConPolicy welcomes Annette Cerulli-Harms as a new team member

In January, Dr. Annette Cerulli-Harms has joined ConPolicy as a new team member. She is responsible for leading national and international consulting projects and studies, which use behavioral insights and behavior change designs to analyze and improve consumers' decision-making processes.

Prior to joining ConPolicy, Annette has worked 3.5 years at project partner London Economics. She holds a PhD in economics from the University of Lausanne in Switzerland. During her studies, she spent time as a researcher at the London School of Economics and at the University of Oxford. She also holds a master degree from the University of Mannheim. She focuses on the areas of digitalization, real estate, banking and finance as well as sustainability management.

Interview on the DATENSCHUTZscanner
Privacy in Smartphone Apps

Today an interview with ConPolicy-Director Prof. Dr. Christian Thorun was published on the website of the German Federal Government. It focuses on the functionality of the DATENSCHUTZscanner-technology.

The DATENSCHUTZscanner-prototype has been developed between 2016 and 2018 within the “Privacy Guard”-project and aims at supporting consumers’ self-determination when using their smartphone.

Please find the interview here (German).
More information on the research project (German).


Communication and change processes
ConPolicy contributes to the Darmstadt Transformation Days

How should knowledge be communicated in order to be recognized by politics and society and to be translated into concrete actions? This question was addressed by the Darmstadt Transformation Days under the title "Shaping Change, Accompanying Change: Science and Communication", jointly hosted by the Schader Foundation and the Institute for Social-Ecological Research (ISOE).

ConPolicy project manager Dr. Max Vetter highlighted the importance of individual action for transformation processes in his keynote "Change through behavior - changed behavior: The role of communication for individual behavioral change". Based on social-psychological theories, he pointed out certain communicational aspects hindering as well as fostering behavior change, especially regarding sustainable behavior.

Max further elaborated on this perspective of behavioral-sciences on transformation and change processes in a lunch talk on nudging.

More on this topic can also be found in an interview on

  Consumer policy news

Consumer behavior
Good taste and healthy food are important to German consumers

The German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture presented its nutrition report 2019 on food preferences, eating and shopping habits of German… Read more

Consumer protection
Millions of unsafe products withdrawn from retail and online trading

Today, the German Federal Network Agency presented the results from its market investigation into German retail and online trading for 2018. This… Read more

  Recommended reading

Blättel-Mink, B. & P. Kenning (Eds.)
Paradoxes of consumer behavior – Documentation of the 2017 annual conference of the Consumer Research Network

Consumer behavior is an important indicator for companies in order to successfully design their marketing strategies. Only those who know their target… Read more

The Behavioral Insights Team – Annual Report 2017–18

This report is a summary of the work of the Behavioral Insights Team and its partners from September 2017 to November 2018. It includes highlights… Read more

Dorfleitner, G. & L. Hornuf
Analysis of privacy policy statements of German FinTech companies following the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

With the introduction of the GDPR at the beginning of the year one of the most far-reaching data protection law reforms has come into force. FinTech… Read more

Report with advice for the European Commission on crypto-assets

Crypto-assets are a type of private financial asset that depend primarily on cryptography and distributed ledger technology as part of their perceived… Read more

Teubner, T. & M. Flath
Privacy in the sharing economy

Contemporary C2C platforms, such as Airbnb, have exhibited considerable growth in recent years and are projected to continue doing so in the future.… Read more