ConPolicy Newsletter 2019 - 6

Dear Reader,


In today's issue ConPolicy informs you about: 

We wish you an exciting read!

Kind regards!

Your ConPolicy team

  News about ConPolicy

Shaping digitalization responsibly
ConPolicy-Keynote on Corporate Digital Responsibility

Digitalization offers great opportunities for society. New technologies to boost sustainable consumption or inclusion with the help of algorithms are only a part of the diverse possibilities. Nevertheless, digital transformation also implies major challenges such as for data privacy and security as well as consumer participation.

The more relevant digitalization becomes in companies, the more they have to deal with their digital responsibility. Therefore, Corporate Digital Responsibility (CDR) was discussed in the in the consumer policy and sustainability committee of the German Brand Association. ConPolicy-project manager Dr. Sara Elisa Kettner gave a presentation where she introduced the CDR-topic as well as relevant fields of action and gave an overview on best-practice-examples.

For more information on CDR please follow this link.

Project "Green Nudging"
What is Nudging? ConPolicy gives talk in Bremen

How does climate-friendly behavior arise? What is nudging? And with which nudges can climate-friendly behavior be promoted? ConPolicy project managers Dr. Max Vetter and Dr. Julius Rauber provided information on these and other questions in their introductory talk at the “Forum nudging in companies: nudging for climate protection – pros and cons“ in Bremen. ConPolicy also contributed to the subsequent panel discussion with representatives from science and practice.

The forum was the public launch event of the Green Nudging project funded by the National Climate Initiative of the Ministry of the Environment which ConPolicy is implementing together with three German energy agencies. As part of the three-year project, green nudges are developed, implemented and evaluated across different companies. Also, CO2-savings generated by the nudges are accounted for in the project.

More about the project can be found in our reference and on the project homepage.

What influences consumer behavior?
ConPolicy-Keynote on Behavioral Insights

At the meeting of the ZVEI (Association Germany’s Electrical Industry) in Dresden ConPolicy-Project Manager Dr. Sara Elisa Kettner held a presentation titling “Behavioral Insights – What influences consumer behavior?”

Within her keynote she discussed the most important concepts of behavioral economics and showed how behavioral insights tools reflect on consumer behavior in the Smart Home.

Re:publica 2019
Workshop on digitalization and sustainable consumption


Digitalization has far-reaching effects on our consumption behavior. So far, it is completely unclear whether digital applications will help us to consume more sustainably or whether they increase the negative socio-ecological impact of consumption.
On the one hand, digitalization offers opportunities if, for instance, sustainability-relevant information is more readily available, if smart applications help us to save energy or if apps facilitate car-sharing. On the other hand, there are numerous risks if, for instance, easier access to consumption options and personalized advertising leads to more purchases overall or energy consumption increases due to the constant use of digital applications.

At the Re:publica 2019 we conducted a workshop together with around 80 participants, we collected ideas for a digital and sustainable consumption and discussed the preconditions for digitalization to actually promote sustainable consumption.

  Consumer policy news

Council of the European Union adopts list of measures to fight marine litter

The list of rules on single-use plastic products and fishing gear has been developed by the European Commission and has now been adopted by the… Read more

  Recommended reading

Rubik, F. et al.
Environmental awareness in Germany 2018 – Results from a representative survey

The current environmental awareness study is the twelfth survey since 1996, by which the development of environmental awareness and behavior in… Read more

Hagmann, D., E. H Ho & G. Loewenstein
Nudging out support for a carbon tax

A carbon tax is widely accepted as the most effective policy for curbing carbon emissions but is controversial because it imposes costs on consumers.… Read more

Artificial Intelligence: Consumer experiences in new technology

This study researched both consumer experiences of artificial intelligence (AI) and opinion from expert stakeholders. The consumer research carried… Read more

Swiecka, B. et al.
Financial literacy and financial education – Theory and survey

It is a well-known saying that money does not buy happiness. But it certainly helps in life. It is important to have enough of it to satisfy our needs… Read more