New project for the DIN Consumer Council
ConPolicy starts study on consumer requirements for "smart" toys in standardization
On behalf of the Consumer Council of the German Institute for Standardization (DIN), ConPolicy is investigating what the consumer requirements for so-called "smart" toys are, how these requirements are taken into account in formal standards, how they should be taken into account in the future and which concrete steps are necessary to achieve this. For this purpose, expert interviews and workshops will be conducted in addition to literature research.
Further information about the project can be found here.
ConPolicy moderates event of BMU and BMJV
Ensure environmental and consumer protection in online commerce
While stationary trade sales are stagnating, online sales are steadily rising. For consumers, online commerce represents a huge expansion of consumption options. However, online retailers are also placing new demands on environmental and consumer protection: How can be ensured that online orders from non-EU states correspond to European and GermanEnvironmental and consumer protection standards? How can beensuredthat goods that have been returned are not being destroyed? And altogether, how can be ensured that online commerce contributes to sustainable consumption and does not undermine it?
Study for the consumer protection ministries in Bavaria and NRW
New ConPolicy study on consumer protection services in the digital age
In order to provide consumers with even more targeted consumer information and counseling services, ConPolicy is conducting a consumer study on the digital transformation of information, education and counseling services. In doing so, the current search strategies and usage habits are determined, and the expectations and needs of consumers are analyzed.
Consumer protection
Analyzing consumer complaints in order to improve consumer-oriented policy
Consumers are actively contributing to the effective implementation of consumer policy and consumer friendly legislation through their notifications…
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Eurobarometer takes stock of the Data Protection Regulation and shows its value for Europeans
Today, the European Commission published the results of its special Eurobarometer survey on data protection on the occasion of the first anniversary…
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Recommended reading
Boos, A., T. Brönneke & A. Wechsler (Eds.)
Consumption and sustainable development – Rethinking consumer policy
What exactly do we mean by sustainable consumption and how can it be achieved? In this volume, the authors ask whether sustainability is possible at…
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Kahlenborn, W. et al.
Consumption 4.0: How digitization is changing consumption – Trend report on estimating environmental impacts
Digitization is profoundly changing our society. It changes the way we work, produce, communicate or even how we consume. This trend report…
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Social media scams: Understanding the consumer experience to create a safer digital world
Social media is a modern phenomenon, revolutionising the way that consumers seek information, communicate with one another and interact with…
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Kauertz, B. et. al
Evaluation of the environmental impact of take-away beverage cups and possible measures to reduce the consumption
The visibility of empty hot beverage cups in public places has initiated the discussion about littering and the environmental assessment of disposable…
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