ConPolicy Newsletter 2019 - 8

Dear Reader,


In today's issue ConPolicy informs you about: 

We wish you an exciting read!

Kind regards!

Your ConPolicy team

  News about ConPolicy

New project for the Federal Office for Radiation Protection
ConPolicy starts study on the possibilities of nudging in the field of UV protection

On behalf of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS), ConPolicy and the innovation agency INNOKI are conducting a study on possible applications of nudging in the field of UV protection until December 2019. The aim of this study is to show how measures can be designed such that citizens protect themselves adequately against UV radiation.

The study will examine to what extent recommended protective measures and target group are already considered in the literature and which gaps still exist. Furthermore, nudging measures with particular regard to their relevance for UV protection are analysed and their applicability is assessed. Methodologically the study is based on a systematic literature review and a workshop for the creative development of nudge prototypes.

Further information can be found here.

Art and science
ConPolicy gives lecture at the exhibition opening "New inspiration on Consumption"

More than 220 kilos of packaging and over 85 kilos of food are thrown into the bin by every German every year. Precious resources that should disappear as soon as possible: wa
ste is burned, shipped and (far too rarely) recycled. In the exhibition "Fenster des Konsums" the focus is on garbage. Inspiring packaging installations invite visitors to reflect on their consumer behavior and its impact. After all, garbage is only one of the many downsides of our consumption. But why is it so hard to consume sustainably? At the vernissage, ConPolicy’s Viola Muster gave a lecture on the challenges of sustainable consumption and presented solutions.

The exhibition of the Group Global 3000 will be on display until 9 August on Fridays from 5 – 8 pm in the gallery for sustainable art in Berlin.

  Consumer policy news

Data protection
The EU General Data Protection Regulation – Quo vadis?

Today, the Commission released a report evaluating the impact and implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) across Europe – one… Read more

Consumer protection
Advertising for dubious financial investments on social media

Currently, the market watchdogs for financial markets at the consumer association Hesse receive numerous complaints via the early warning network… Read more

  Recommended reading

Hoeren, T. (Ed.)
Phenomena of the big-data era – A legal assessment in the economic and socio-political context

The evaluation of a multitude of data and the derivation of patterns – in other words: big data – are encountered in the most diverse aspects of life.… Read more

Höfner, A. & V. Frick (Eds.)
What connects bits and trees – Making digitization sustainable

The "Bits & Trees" conference (2018 in Berlin) was the biggest symposium to date for digitization and sustainability. In this conference book more… Read more

Abel, G. et al.
Prolonging product life span und use by enforcing consumer rights

Products and consumer habits of modern society in the 21st century have a significant impact on people and the environment. Recent studies show that… Read more

Gillis, J. & M. Cooper
Consumer attitudes towards the rollback and freeze of fuel economy standards

In the Consumer Federation of America’s most recent survey of public opinion, there is broad, intense and consistent support for federal fuel economy… Read more

Straßheim, H. & S. Beck (Eds.)
Handbook of behavioral change and public policy

Behavioral change has become a core issue of public policy. Behavioral instruments such as ‘nudging’ apply insights from behavioral economics and… Read more