ConPolicy Newsletter 2020 - 10

Dear Reader,


In today's issue ConPolicy informs you about: 

We wish you an exciting read!

Kind regards!

Your ConPolicy team

  News about ConPolicy

Project for the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection
New ConPolicy report on Innovative Privacy Consent Management

On behalf of the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection ConPolicy investigated the possibilities of privacy consent management. Aim of the study was to analyze already existing models of consent management and develop new solutions for legally compliant and user-friendly consent. The results of the study were summarized in eleven requirements and a best-practice model.

The study was published on the website of the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection:
Final Report  (German)
BMJV Press Release incl. statement by State Secretary Prof. Dr. Kastrop  (German)

More information on the project may be found here.

Event as part of a project for the Federal Ministry of Justice and for consumer protection
Virtual Workshop on Consumer Protection Technologies

If everything becomes digital, doesn’t that mean that consumer protection and enablement need to be rethought in digital terms? What potential is there for business initiatives for digital consumer protection? How can consumer organizations employ digital tools in their activities for consumer information and legal enforcement? What should an innovation process look like to promote digital technology for purposes of consumer protection?

These questions were in the focus of a virtual workshop held on September 29, 2020, with 50 participants from business, consumer ministries, consumer associations, science and administration. The workshop took place as part of the research project ConProTec_ted, which ConPolicy is implementing together with Fraunhofer IUK-Technology. The project is financed by the Federal Ministry of Justice and for Consumer Protection. The final event of the project is scheduled for February 2021.

Event attracts great response
Consumer Research Forum 2020: Algorithms and consumers – Focus LegalTech

How can LegalTech contribute to better individual and collective legal advice and enforcement? What are the risks associated with using LegalTech? What (legal) prerequisites should be created to use LegalTech more effectively in the future?

These are the questions the Consumer Research Forum 2020 addressed today. Over seventy participants discussed with experts from politics, consumer policy, providers of LegalTech applications, consumer organizations and the legal profession in this virtual event

It was organized by the Consumer, Market and Policy Research Center CCMP at Zeppelin University in cooperation with the ConPolicy Institute for Consumer Policy Berlin, the Center for Consumer Research and Sustainable Consumption (vunk) at Pforzheim University and the European University Institute (EUI) Florence. Prof. Dr. Christian Thorun, Managing Director of the ConPolicy-Institute, moderated the panel discussions.

  Consumer policy news

Corona pandemic: Elderly consumers increasingly use digital health apps

Today, Bitkom published the results of a representative survey on the use of digital health apps among elderly consumers during the corona pandemic.… Read more

Data transmission technology determines carbon footprint of video streaming

Today, the German Federal Environmental Agency (UBA) together with the German Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear… Read more

Commission assesses the Code of Practice on Disinformation of platforms

Today, the European Commission published the assessment results from the implementation and effectiveness of the Code of Practice on Disinformation as… Read more

Most European consumers are ambivalent about the use of Artificial Intelligence

Today, the European Consumer Organization BEUC published a study on consumer attitudes towards Artificial Intelligence (AI). The results show that… Read more

  Recommended reading

Reisch, L. A., S. Bietz & H.-W. Micklitz
Algorithms and consumers. A study on behalf of the Ministry for Rural Areas and Consumer Protection Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart

The CCMP, in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Hans-W. Micklitz conducted a comprehensive study on the effects of future technologies on consumers. This… Read more

Gotsch, M., L. Erdmann & E. Eberling
Making digitization usable in an ecologically sustainable way – Development of recommendations for action on the most important environmental policy measures in selected trend topics of digitization through the implementation of stakeholder dialogues

Independent stakeholder dialogues were held as part of the studies within the research project "Digitalisierung ökologisch nachhaltig nutzbar… Read more

Lange, S., J. Pohl & T. Santarius
Digitalization and energy consumption. Does ICT reduce energy demand?

This article investigates the effect of digitalization on energy consumption. Using an analytical model, the authors investigate four effects: (1)… Read more

Ginzky, H., J. Kosmol & K. Schwirn
International environmental and sustainability policy during and after the Covid-19 pandemic

This position paper explains the consequences of the corona pandemic for the global economy and geopolitics, for the countries of the global south and… Read more

Ginzky, H., C. Löwe & C. Neßhöver
Lessons from the Corona crisis: New leitmotifs for environmental and sustainability policy necessary? – a contribution to the discussion

This position paper discusses which leitmotifs for future environmental and sustainability policy may be required in addition to the existing ones in… Read more

Be safe, be alert online

A directory of Australian government agencies that can help you protect your online safety and security. This quick reference guide includes tips on… Read more

The little book of green nudges: 40 nudges to spark sustainable behavior on campus

This book is the UN Environment Program's first on behavioral science and nudge theory, which focuses on human actions and how to change them, and was… Read more

Federal Cartel Office
Federal Cartel Office – Annual report 2019

This publication is for an audience interested in economic policy and provides an overview of the activities of the German Federal Cartel Office in… Read more

Klatt, A. et al.
Social impact of the Covid-19 pandemic in Germany and possible consequences for environmental policy

The Covid-19 pandemic changed social life suddenly and violently. In addition to the diverse, sometimes serious negative consequences of the pandemic,… Read more

Frick, V. et al.
Do online environments promote sufficiency or overconsumption? Online advertisement and social media effects on clothing, digital devices, and air travel consumption

Sustainable consumption is increasingly shaped by online environments. Everyday exposure to online advertisement and social media content by peers may… Read more