ConPolicy Newsletter 2020 - 2

Dear Reader,


In today's issue ConPolicy informs you about: 

We wish you an exciting read!

Kind regards!

Your ConPolicy team

  News about ConPolicy

Study funded by the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection
New ConPolicy project about using AI to improve heating checks – Empowerment through a smart evaluation of the heating cost settlement

The joint project aims to develop a prototype application that will potentially help some 16 million households to better understand their heating bill and act in accordance with the assessments. In their current form, heating bills are often not prepared in an understandable way, as each metering service provider uses different formats and terminology. As a result, errors are not detected, energy and services are purchased overpriced, and incentives to save energy are not provided. This costs consumers billions of euros annually and causes unnecessary tons of CO2.

Therefore, this project aims at transforming the classical heating bill into understandable and transparent, comprehensible statements and evaluations by using AI with the help of a prototypical application. ConPolicy is especially responsible for the user orientation of the AI application.

The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (BMJV).

Further information on the project can be found here.

Framework contract with the European Parliament
ConPolicy provides the Parliament with expertise in the area of consumer protection

To support its work, the Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee (IMCO)of the European Parliament has issued a framework contract to provide external expertise on regulatory and policy issues. ConPolicy has been commissioned to lead a consortium for this framework contract to advise IMCO on consumer protection, including the economic and legal aspects of consumer policy.

Together with its partners VVA Brussels, the European University Institute, Wageningen University and the European Consumers' Organisation BEUC, ConPolicy will provide IMCO with studies, in-depth analyses and fact sheets.

For further information, please click here.

  Consumer policy news

Climate and environmental protection are particularly important for young people

Today, the German Federal Environment Ministry (BMU) and the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) published the results of a representative youth study,… Read more

Consumer protection
"Sweep" reveals misleading information policies of online shops

Today, the European Commission published the results of an EU-wide screening, a so-called “sweep”, which examined the websites of 481 e-shops selling… Read more

How German consumers deal with digital technologies

Bitkom published the results of a representative survey on the use of digital technologies in Germany today. According to the results, a large share… Read more

Consumer protection
Consumers complain about unsolicited telephone advertising and misuse of phone numbers

Today, the German Federal Network Agency published details on consumer complaints in the telecommunications sector for 2019. It shows that complaints… Read more

Consumer protection
Most EU consumers are unaware of their passenger rights

The European Commission has published the results from the Eurobarometer on passenger rights in the EU today. It reveals that less than half of EU… Read more

  Recommended reading

A Menu for Change – Using behavioral science to promote sustainable diets around the world

In this report we make the case for a global shift towards more sustainable and healthier diets. Using the latest and most well-evidenced behavioral… Read more

Bala, C. et al. (Eds.)
Consumer education: A long way to becoming a responsible consumer

What constitutes consumer education? The imparting of skills in order to be able to buy safely in different markets? Or the ability to question… Read more

Pfister, C., J. Ecke & R. Philipps
Energy transition by means of phasing out coal-fired power – Prospects for consumers

The commission "Growth, structural change and employment" set up by the German Federal Government has drawn up a concrete plan for a socially… Read more

Ketelsen, M., M. Janssen & U. Hamm
Consumers' response to environmentally-friendly food packaging – A systematic review

Consumers play an important role in the market penetration of environmentally-friendly food packaging because it is they who decide whether or not to… Read more

Out of control – How consumers are exploited by the online advertising industry

In this report, the authors demonstrate how every time we use our phones, a large number of shadowy entities that are virtually unknown to consumers… Read more

Kaplan, L., S. Kuhn & J. Kuhnt
The behavioral lens: Taking a behavioral vantage point to improve the success of development programs

Successful programs and policies require supportive behavior from their targeted populations. Understanding what drives human reactions is crucial for… Read more