ConPolicy Newsletter 2020 - 3

Dear Reader,

the ConPolicy Institute for Consumer Policy was founded ten years ago. After ten years it is time to say thank you.

Thank you to all the people who have supported the foundation with encouragement and ideas. Thank you to all the people, institutions and companies who have approached us with their research and consulting questions and trust in our work. Thank you to the team who makes the institute a place of professionalism and creativity.

Topics such as digitization, sustainable consumption and corporate responsibility will not let us rest in the coming decade.

We look forward to continuing our cooperation with you!

Yours, Christian Thorun


In today's issue ConPolicy informs you about: 

We wish you an exciting read!

Kind regards!

Your ConPolicy team

  News about ConPolicy

Project for the DIN Consumer Council
ConPolicy completes study on consumer requirements for "smart" toys in standardization

On behalf of the Consumer Council of the German Institute for Standardization (DIN), ConPolicy examined which requirements should be placed on so-called "smart" toys from the consumer's point of view, how these requirements are taken into account in standards or should be taken into account in the future, and which concrete steps are necessary to achieve this. To this end, expert interviews and workshops were conducted in addition to a literature search.

The project has now been completed and a results report on the study can be requested from the DIN Consumer Council.

Behavioral Insights for Public Policy
ConPolicy-Presentation at Heidelberg University

On February 19th and 20th, academic researchers discussed results from their behavioral research at the workshop “Experimental Economics for the Environment”. The workshop was organized by the Research Center for Environmental Economics at Heidelberg University.

ConPolicy-project manager Dr. Sara Elisa Kettner gave a presentation on “Behavioral Insights for Public Policy – A Practitioner’s View”. In this light she presented ConPolicy-projects in which behavioral research was used to inform and shape policy making.

Study published and presented
ConPolicy presents consumer study 2019 at the Working Group Economic Consumer Protection of the German Federal States

Consumers need access to high-quality, supplier-independent information and advice in order to make informed consumption decisions. Against the background of the steadily increasing importance of Internet-based information offerings, however, the question arises as to how consumers search the Internet for consumer information and advice, which offerings they use and how satisfied they are with them.

On behalf of the Bavarian State Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection (StMUV) and the Ministry for the Environment, Agriculture, Nature and Consumer Protection of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (MULNV), the ConPolicy Institute prepared the Consumer Study 2019 last year. ConPolicy Managing Director, Prof. Dr. Christian Thorun, presented the central results of the study at a meeting of the Working Group on Economic Consumer Protection of the Federal States on 12 February 2020.

Furthermore, the study has been published in the meantime. The report is available here.

New telephone numbers and email address
Please update your address book

Due to our growth and further development, our phone numbers and email addresses have changed. Please update your address book:

Prof. Dr. Christian Thorun: +49 30 235 9116-11 //
Dr. Annette Cerulli-Harms: +49 30 235 9116-17 //
Dr. Jana Diels: +49 30 235 9116-12 //
Dr. Sara Elisa Kettner: +49 30 235 9116-13 //
Marlene Münsch: +49 30 235 9116-18 //
Dr. Viola Muster: +49 30 235 9116-15 //
Dr. Julius Rauber: +49 30 235 9116-16 //
Dr. Max Vetter: +49 30 235 9116-14 //

Institute: +49 30 235 9116-0
Fax: +49 30 235 9116-99


Kind regards,
Your ConPolicy Team

  Consumer policy news

Consumer protection
Products from online marketplaces fail to comply with safety standards

Today, the European Consumer Organization (BEUC) published the results from a safety test for products bought from online marketplaces, such as… Read more

EU strategy for Artificial Intelligence and the EU data economy

Today, the European Commission presented its European data strategy and policy options to ensure both the human-centered development of Artificial… Read more

New requirements for the commercial custody of cryptocurrencies

Today, Bitkom published an information paper on the regulatory requirements for the licensing process for commercial custody of cryptocurrencies and… Read more

Sustainable consumption
Organic products continue to be popular in Germany

Today, the German consumer research organization 'Gesellschaft für Konsumforschung' (GfK) published current study results on purchasing behavior for… Read more

Consumer behavior
German consumers are open to alternative parcel deliveries

Today, Bitkom released the results of a representative survey on alternative delivery options for online orders. According to the results of the… Read more

  Recommended reading

Meller-Hannich, C.
Legal Tech: Portals for the enforcement of consumer rights

Legal tech portals can bundle consumer demands and thus contribute to their effective enforcement. Without such instruments, the violation of consumer… Read more

Reisch, Lucia A.
Nudging light and dark: Rules for digital nudging

Richard Thaler, Nobel Prize winner for his services to behavioral economics, signs each of his books with "Nudge for Good". There are good reasons for… Read more

Seo, H.
Act and trade sustainably?! Food retail activities for sustainable consumption in the food sector from an environmental perspective

Some do advertize with Pandas, others declare acting responsibly or sustainability is a part of their DNA. Today, you hardly find a supermarket,… Read more