ConPolicy Newsletter 2020 - 4

Dear Reader,


only a month ago, hardly anyone would have predicted how profoundly the coronavirus would change life globally. 

The corona pandemic has also brought about changes here at the institute. Since 12 March, all employees have been working from the home office. Nevertheless, almost all projects are continuing as planned, albeit with some adjustments to methods or schedules. The important message for you, however, is that we can still be reached at the familiar telephone numbers and e-mail addresses!

In our following ConPolicy news you will find information on how we are dealing with the pandemic and present the results of a ConPolicy-internal hackathon on the corona pandemic. The results of this hackathon are a consumer-political corona pandemic topic radar, a discussion paper on social distancing inspired by behavioral science including a video summarizing the contents, and a checklist showing how to successfully conduct virtual workshops. If you have any feedback, please get in touch! 

Last but not least, we are very pleased that Dr. Otmar Lell joined the ConPolicy team in April as an expert for consumer policy and consumer law. Before joining ConPolicy, he worked at the Federation of German Consumer Organizations (Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband e.V.) in Berlin for many years, most recently as head of the legal and trade team.


We hope that you all stay healthy!
Yours Christian Thorun


In today's issue ConPolicy informs you about:

We wish you an exciting read!

Kind regards!

Your ConPolicy team

  News about ConPolicy

ConPolicy welcomes Dr. Otmar Lell as new employee

In April Dr. Otmar Lell joined the ConPolicy team. Otmar is an expert in the fields of consumer policy and consumer law. His focus includes regulatory approaches in consumer policy, digitalization, issues of consumer law enforcement as well as consumer interests and sustainable development. Before joining ConPolicy Otmar was team leader legal affairs and trade at the Federation of German Consumer Organisations (vzbv). Otmar has been working for vzbv from 2002 on a broad range of issues including sustainability, mobility, infrastructure and consumer law. Prior to his engagement in the consumer movement Otmar was active at the Federal Environment Agency and at the Federal Ministry of Environment. He has been in contact with ConPolicy for a long time through regular exchange.

You can find more information here.

Project for the European Commission
New ConPolicy-report on geographical indications on products

On behalf of the European Commission ConPolicy, VVA and Ecorys investigated the value of geographical indications on products. The aim of the study was to develop a better understanding of the value of the economics aspects of protection of geographically rooted non-agricultural products in the EU.
Within the project ConPolicy was responsible for the evaluation of consumer preferences and conducted a behavioral experiment and a survey.

The results were published on the website of the European Commission.
For more information on the project click here.

  Consumer policy news

Consumer behavior
New data on the generation of private packaging waste in Germany

Today, the German Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) published new data on the volume of packaging waste in Germany. Preliminary results show that… Read more

New Circular Economy Action Plan promises more sustainable consumer goods

Today, the European Commission adopted its New Circular Economy Action Plan, which is a major part of the European Green Deal presented in December… Read more

Consumer behavior
Europeans support sustainability and data sharing in digitalization

Today, the European Commission has published its new Special Eurobarometer report, which measures attitudes towards the impact of digitalization on… Read more

Consumer behavior
New Eurobarometer reveals concern for the environment among European consumers

The European Commission has published the results of its new Special Eurobarometer survey on the attitudes of European citizens towards the… Read more

  Recommended reading

Report on financial education 2019/2020

This Financial Education Report (FER) is based on the EBA financial education repository, which consists of more than 120 financial education… Read more

Ramsay, I. & T. Williams
Peering forward, 10 years after: International policy and consumer credit regulation

A key change since the financial crisis of 2008 is the internationalization of interest in consumer finance. International institutions monitor… Read more

Mathur, V., Z. Ahmad & A. Chamuah
Artificial Intelligence for sustainability

Technology has become the holy grail of progress though it did not take long to realise that there is a social dimension attached to it. The platform… Read more

Spindler, G.
Behavioral Economics and consumer protection and security law in IT

Behavioral Economics has established itself as an independent economic research direction, which considerably relativizes the neo-institutional or… Read more

Rick, K.
Consumer policy in the Federal Republic of Germany. A history of the West German consumption regime, 1945–1975

In the Federal Republic of Germany, consumer politics has developed into a cross-sectional task with a broad scope in terms of content and of great… Read more

Kozyreva, A. et al.
Artificial Intelligence in the online environment: A representative survey on public opinion in Germany

In order to provide us with results that are as appropriate as possible and in accordance with our interests, algorithms collect our personal data and… Read more

Piorkowsky, M.-B. & K. Kollmann (Eds.)
Forgotten and unrecognized pioneers for a critical consumption theory – Contributions from economics, sociology and philosophy

This volume offers contributions against the oblivion to history of the current debate on consumption theory. With regard to the work of earlier… Read more