ConPolicy Newsletter 2020 - 5

Dear Reader,


In today's issue ConPolicy informs you about: 

We wish you an exciting read!

Kind regards!

Your ConPolicy team

  News about ConPolicy

Project for the European Commission
New ConPolicy project on strategies to maximize the effectiveness of product recalls

Dangerous products may pose a risk to consumers and the people around them, with potentially serious consequences. Product recall is one of the main ways that producers, distributors and the authorities can work together to reduce risks posed by dangerous products, potentially avoiding dangers. However, recalls only reduce risk if consumers respond appropriately. Appropriate consumer behavior may include returning, disposing of, or storing products without using them in the future. Because recalls are only as effective at the consumer response, it is important to understand consumer behavior in this regard.

The project aims to identify ways to increase product registration and the effectiveness of recalls of non-food products, with a focus on behavioral measures to promote registration and product recalls. The project is funded by the European Commission.

Further information on the project can be found here.

Webinar: Green Nudges in online retail
ConPolicy Input for nudge development in organizations

How Green Nudges can be used to give impulses for sustainable consumption in online retailing, what challenges online retailers face when they want to promote sustainable decisions and what the implementation of Green Nudges in companies can look like in practical terms were just some of the topics of the webinar "Green Nudges in Online Retail: Making Sustainable Consumption Easy" on April 29th.

The webinar was organized by the Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW) in cooperation with the German E-Commerce and Distance Selling Association (bevh) as part of the joint project "Digitalization of markets and lifestyles: New challenges for sustainable consumption".

ConPolicy project manager Dr. Max Vetter provided insights into the process steps for the development of Green Nudges in companies. He also discussed experiences from the current project "Green Nudging", in which ConPolicy is developing, implementing and evaluating nudges for sustainable behaviour in companies together with three energy agencies from Germany. You can learn more about this project here.

If you are interested in learning more about how to design, implement and evaluate nudges for various purposes in your organizations, please contact us.

You can find the recorded webinar on the YouTube channel of the Umweltbundesamt.

  Consumer policy news

Consumer behavior
Consumers use advice when shopping online

Today, Bitkom released a representative survey on customer advice for online purchases. The results reveal that a fifth of respondents had already… Read more

Consumer behavior
Consumer climate in Germany drops to historic low during corona pandemic

Today, the German Society for Consumer Research (GfK) published the results of its GfK consumer climate study for April 2020. Due to current… Read more

Financial services
FCA data: Payment protection insurance continues to generate the highest number of complaints

Today, the British Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) published aggregate complaints data for over 3,000 regulated firms in the United Kingdom for the… Read more

Consumer behavior
Free online travel cancellations are an important criterion for German consumers

Today, Bitkom published the results of a representative survey regarding online booking of holiday trips. According to the results, free travel… Read more

Using mobile apps and data to combat the corona pandemic

Today, the European Commission released a recommendation for a pan-European and coordinated approach for using smartphone apps and mobile data in… Read more

  Recommended reading

Krause, S. et al.
Prolonging product life – Approaches for waste reduction and resource conservation through reuse and preparation for reuse

Shortening the lifespan and useful life of different product groups uses up enormous amounts of energy and natural resources. As a result, significant… Read more

Boto-García, D. & A. Bucciol
Climate change: Personal responsibility and energy saving

The authors study at the individual level the connection between actions to reduce energy consumption and beliefs about the personal responsibility… Read more

Consumers at the center of the drive to sustainability – BEUC's view on the European Green Deal

The 2019–2024 European Commission's major political project is an ecological modernization of our societies to act against climate change while… Read more

Zhou, L.
Access to justice for the Chinese consumer – Handling consumer disputes in contemporary China

This book offers a socio-legal exploration of localized consumer complaint processing and dispute resolution in the People's Republic of China – now… Read more

Schreiner, N.
Consumer behavior in the sharing economy – Analyses of selected factors influencing sharing behavior

This work examines various factors influencing the sharing behavior of consumers and, among other things, gets to the bottom of different needs and… Read more

Van Bavel, J.J. et al.
Using social and behavioral science to support COVID-19 pandemic response

The COVID-19 pandemic represents a massive, global health crisis. Because the crisis requires large-scale behavior change and poses significant… Read more

Mathios, A. et al.
Journal of Consumer Policy's 40th anniversary conference: A forward looking consumer policy research agenda

Consumer policy experts from academia, government, and the private sector gathered from 14–15 September 2018 in the beautiful hillsides of Fiesole… Read more

Brönneke, T., A. Willburger & S. Bietz (Eds.)
Consumer law enforcement – Consumer access to justice

Consumer rights run empty if they are not enforced. The civil law collective legal protection has gained new facets with the model declaratory and… Read more