Project for the European Parliament
New ConPolicy project on loot boxes in video games and their effect on consumers
Loot boxes are features of video games that can be found in several gaming genres. They are ‘mystery boxes’ because their actual content is unknown. Players access them through gameplay or pay for them with real-world money. In recent years, loot boxes have created many controversies and also caught the attention of policy makers. Some argue that due to their random content, loot boxes blur the lines between gaming and online gambling which could be a particular issue for children and underage players.
At the request of the European Parliament's Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO), ConPolicy is conducting an in-depth study on loot boxes to support the Committee’s upcoming legislative work.
Further information on the project can be found here.
Consumer policy news
Online services for telephone and messaging services widely used in Germany
Today, the German Federal Network Agency published its report on the private use of OTT communication services in Germany. The results show that the…
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Consumers want contactless payment
Bitkom published the results of a representative survey on the payment preferences of German consumers today. According to the results, three quarters…
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Consumer behavior
German consumers increasingly order groceries online and use online services since the outbreak of the corona crisis
Today, Bitkom released results from a representative survey on consumer behavior with regard to groceries and online services during the corona…
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Consumer behavior
German consumers want to spend less money in the future
Today, the German Society for Consumer Research (GfK) published the study 'COVID-19 Consumer Pulse' on consumer sentiment during the Corona pandemic.…
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Consumer behavior
Online shopping during the Corona pandemic
Today, Bitkom released the results of a representative survey on online shopping during the Corona pandemic. According to the results, around 20…
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Recommended reading
Groß, C., K. Göbler & G. G. Wagner
Corona pandemic: Also a stress test for the housing market
Due to the significant increase in short-time work and unemployment, tenants and owners of residential real estate can quickly get into financial…
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Storcksdieck genannt Bonsmann, S. et al.
Front-of-pack nutrition labelling schemes: A comprehensive review
This JRC Science for Policy report was produced in support of a Commission report on front-of-pack (FOP) nutrition labelling. It provides a review of…
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Dubois, P. et al.
Effects of front-of-pack labels on the nutritional quality of supermarket food purchases: evidence from a large-scale randomized controlled trial
To examine whether four pre-selected front-of-pack nutrition labels improve food purchases in real-life grocery shopping settings, the authors put 1.9…
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Sustainable ways out of the economic crisis – Protecting the environment and climate, securing employment, initiating a socially responsible transformation
The COVID-19 pandemic is causing significant turmoil in society and the economy worldwide. Short- and medium-term grants to mitigate the acute…
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Maitre-Ekern, E., M. Taylor & M. van der Velden
Towards a sustainable circular economy: SMART reform proposals
The European Union (EU) has developed ambitious strategies to transform the economy, but it is happening too slowly and not uniformly. There is need…
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Reijula, S. & R. Hertwig
Self-nudging and the citizen choice architect
This article argues that nudges can often be turned into self-nudges: empowering interventions that enable people to design and structure their own…
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