ConPolicy Newsletter 2020 - 9



In today's issue ConPolicy informs you about: 

We wish you an exciting read!

Kind regards!

Your ConPolicy team

  News about ConPolicy

Collecting ideas in the workshop "Digital competences for sustainable consumption"
ConPolicy participated in workshop on sustainable consumption in the digital world

As part of our project "Digitalization of markets and lifestyles. New Challenges for Sustainable Consumption" ConPolicy employee Dr. Viola Muster, together with IÖW and Dr. Gerd Scholl and Steffen Bahnsen, conducted a virtual workshop on the topic "Digital competences for sustainable consumption" on September 1st. What digital competences do consumers need in order to achieve sustainable consumption in the digital world? This question was to be answered in the workshop. An exciting workshop group with different experts from science, civil society, politics and administration came together. All agreed that the interrelationship and synergies between digital education and education for sustainable consumption can be improved.

Many fruitful ideas were developed on how to promote the digital competences of consumers for sustainable consumption. These included, for example, the development of a guiding perspective for school communities on linking digitalization and sustainable consumption, making digital-sustainable consumption tangible, e.g. by exploring search engines, and increasing the collection and dissemination of existing initiatives and best practices.

In a second workshop in October the best ideas will be concretized and prepared for implementation. A pilot project will be implemented at the end. More information about this and the other workshop series within the project can be found here.

Open registration: Sign up now!
Consumer Research Forum 2020: Algorithms and consumers 

"Algorithms and Consumers: Focus Legal Tech" this is the current topic of the Consumer Research Forum 2020, which will take place completely virtually this year on September 18, 2020. 

It is organized by CCMP Friedrichshafen, Prof. Hans-W. Micklitz (European University Institute) and Prof. Dr. Christian Thorun of ConPolicy – Institute for Consumer Policy Berlin. Our host is the Ministry of Rural Areas and Consumer Protection Baden-Württemberg. 

A registration for this event is possible by mail to Please register by 15th of September 2020, so that we can prepare the program in a technically optimal way. You can find the program here.

  Consumer policy news

Study examines digital participation among seniors

Bitkom published the results of a comprehensive representative survey on the use of digital technologies among senior citizens today. The results show… Read more

More positive attitude towards digitalization among senior consumers since Corona

Today, Bitkom published the results of a representative survey on the attitude of seniors towards digitalization during the Corona pandemic. The… Read more

  Recommended reading

Thomsen, A., E. O'Neill, B. Hobbs & L. Solomon
COVID-19 and consumers: From crisis to recovery

The focus in this report is on the consumer policy dimensions of COVID-19, including access to essential products and services – encompassing energy,… Read more

Batalla-Bejerano, J. E. Trujillo-Baute & M. Villa-Arrieta
Smart meters and consumer behavior: Insights from the empirical literature

This paper summarizes the insights to be gained from a systematic literature review of empirical research devoted to behavioral considerations… Read more

Rademacher, F.
Legal protection for older consumers using the example of unauthorized telephone advertising

Unauthorized telephone advertising is a "consumer rights problem" that particularly affects the elderly. This study examines the extent to which the… Read more

Borowski, S., P. Röthemeyer & J. Steike
Consumer Dispute Resolution Act (VSBG) – Introduction | comments | samples

The new German Consumer Dispute Resolution Act (VSBG) raises numerous application problems of the model declaratory action in consulting practice. 
Read more

Rösner, A., J. Haucap & U. Heimeshoff
The impact of consumer protection in the digital age: Evidence from the European Union

The authors investigate the effect of an EU-wide consumer protection regulation on consumer trust as well as consumer behavior. The Unfair Commercial… Read more