ConPolicy Newsletter 2021 - 11

Dear Reader,


In today's issue ConPolicy informs you about: 

We wish you an exciting read!

Kind regards!

Your ConPolicy team

  News about ConPolicy

Communicate sustainable consumption more effectively with Big Points
ConPolicy involved in an online workshop on behalf of the Competence Centre for Sustainable Consumption

There are numerous tips for a sustainable lifestyle. But what really matters? Big Points of sustainable consumption are measures that are particularly important for effective environmental and climate protection. A few Big Points can ensure that the footprint is significantly reduced. In consumer communication on sustainable consumption, the Big Points should therefore be focused more strongly.

On behalf of the German Federal Environment Agency and in cooperation with co2online, ConPolicy is organizing an online workshop on this topic. The workshop is aimed at organizations that offer information and education on sustainable consumption and want to focus their content more on environmental impact. Illustrative examples, scientific backgrounds and materials for communication on Big Points will be presented and discussed together.

The workshop will take place on December 1st 2021, from 10.00 until 11.30 am.

Click here to register for the workshop, which will be held in German.
The communication package on Big Points can be found here (German).

Talk on possibilities and limits of Nudges
ConPolicy contributes to panel discussion at the 5. BZfE-Forum

As part of this event organized by the Federal Center for Nutrition (BZfE), in the panel discussion entitled 'Einfach (nach)machen! Our role for the food of the future', the question was explored to what extent behavior-based measures such as nudges can contribute to a healthier and more sustainable diet and where the possibilities and limits of such approaches lie. Dr. Julius Rauber took part in the discussion on behalf of ConPolicy and presented the findings of the 'Green Nudging' project.

Besides Dr. Rauber, the discussion was attended by: Doreen Havenstein (KlimaTeller), Franziska Lienert (Too good to go), Dr. Jan Grossarth (journalist from Frankfurt am Main), Prof. Wencke Gwozdz (Justus Liebig University) and Prof. Dr. Gunther Hirschfelder (University of Regensburg).

Personalized consumer information – Ingenious solution or dead end?
ConPolicy presents results of a behavioral science experiment at an SVRV event

Consumer information is a central instrument in consumer policy and consumer law. However, this instrument has been criticized for years. Studies show that consumers are often overwhelmed by too much information rather than that it would help them in their everyday consumption.

Against this background, the German Advisory Council for Consumer Affairs (SVRV) organized a conference today on the question to what extent personalized consumer information can increase the degree to which consumers are informed as well as information success.

At the event, ConPolicy's managing director, Prof. Dr. Christian Thorun, presented the results of a behavioral science experiment commissioned by the SVRV. The experiment was conducted by ConPolicy together with Decision Context. The central results are that the personalization of consumer information in the experimental setting had no significant effects on purchasing behavior, objective informativeness and subjective informativeness, as well as satisfaction. Also, against the background of these results, Prof. Dr. Thorun concluded that the personalization of consumer information would not be a suitable approach to improve the instrument of consumer information. Instead, he pleaded

  • to use the instrument of consumer information more carefully, and to consider regulatory or economic instruments instead;
  • to ensure better decision-making architectures by drawing on behavioral science findings;
  • work on digital assistance systems and,
  • consistently pursue ‘deceptive designs’ and ‘dark patterns’.

The ConPolicy presentation and the ConPolicy study results, along with other contributions to this topic, can be downloaded from the SVRV website.

  Consumer policy news

Online shopping: Every seventh order is returned

Today, the digital association Bitkom published its latest survey results on returns in online shopping. According to the results, the share of goods… Read more

Room for improvement in collection rate of old electrical appliances

Today, the German Federal Environment Agency (UBA) released current figures regarding the collection of used electrical appliances in Germany for the… Read more

Voice command for Smart Home popular among German consumers

The digital association Bitkom published its new ‘Smart Home 2021’ study on voice assistants and other Smart Home applications today. According to the… Read more

Digitalization National Cyber Security Coordination Center starts its work

Today, the German National Coordination Center for Cybersecurity in Industry, Technology and Research (NKCS) officially started its work. The NKCS was… Read more

  Recommended reading

Bala, C. & W. Schuldzinski (Eds.)
Yearbook: Consumption & consumer science

With the new 'Yearbook: Consumption & consumer science' the Kompetenzzentrum Verbraucherforschung NRW (KVF NRW) of the Verbraucherzentrale NRW wants… Read more

Rohs, M., G. Flore & M. Cavagna
Towards sustainable urban mobility in the city for tomorrow

Mobility is a central prerequisite for participating in social life and makes a significant contribution to a high quality of life. At the same time,… Read more

Kroschwald, S.
Artificial intelligence in the autonomous car

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in autonomous vehicles raises data protection issues. The article analyzes areas of tension that arise during… Read more

Digital platform services inquiry

This third interim report as part of its inquiry into markets for the supply of digital platform services examines the provision of web browsers and… Read more

Brönneke, T., C. Föhlisch & K. Tonner (Eds.)
The new law of obligations – Digital products, sales law, contract law

The contract law of the BGB experiences through the implementation of EU directives:
new regulations for contracts for digital products -… Read more

Zimmermann, T. et al.
The greening of online shopping – New challenges for the environmental promotion of sustainable consumption

This second sub-report includes a closer look at the customer perspective as well as an in-depth examination and ecological assessment of the current… Read more

Olliges, J. et al.
Development of concrete strategies and contributions for the national implementation of the UN 2030-Agenda for Sustainable Development for SDG 12

The project (FKZ 3717 16 308 0) established systematic activity monitoring for the national and international implementation of SDG 12 by Germany. The… Read more

Reimers, H. et al.
Indirect rebound effects on the consumer level: A state-of-the-art literature review

Indirect rebound effects on the consumer level occur when potential greenhouse gas emission savings from the usage of more efficient technologies or… Read more

Evaluation of developments in credit scoring for real estate consumer loan contracts

This research project aims to investigate developments in the area of creditworthiness assessment (KWP) for real estate consumer loan agreements… Read more

German Federal Cartel Office
Sector inquiry into the provision and marketing of publicly accessible charging infrastructure for electric vehicles

In the view of the German Federal Cartel Office, functioning competition offers the best guarantee for a consumer-friendly and inexpensive supply of… Read more

Consumers and COVID-19: Sector scorecard

This Sector Scorecard measures the experiences of consumers between May and December 2020 across key Australian services markets. Sectors measured by… Read more