ConPolicy Newsletter 2021 - 4

Dear Reader,


ConPolicy wishes Happy Easter and relaxing spring days! 
In today's issue ConPolicy informs you about: 

We wish you an exciting read!

Kind regards!

Your ConPolicy team

  News about ConPolicy

Save the date
Invitation to the Online Consumer Research Forum 'Nudging in consumer policy' on June 08, 2021

On June 08, 2021, the Consumer, Market and Policy Research Centre (CCMP) of Zeppelin University in cooperation with the ConPolicy-Institute for Consumer Policy and the European University Institute (EUI) Florence will host the Online Consumer Research Forum 2021 of the Ministry of Rural Areas and Consumer Protection Baden-Württemberg (MLR). 

The research forum will focus on the questions of what influence behavioral science has had on consumer policy in the last decade and to what extent behavioral insights should also be taken into account in consumer policy in the coming years.

Keynote speaker Prof. Dr. Cass R. Sunstein (Robert Walmsley University Professor at Harvard) will introduce the topic. This will be followed by panel discussions on legal and practical issues of the application of behavior-based instruments. In a closing discussion, we will also look ahead with experts from the EU and federal levels.

Make a note of the date now! A link for registration will be sent out in our next newsletter.

Handbook IT-Law
New ConPolicy-publication on the opportunities and challenges of smart homes for consumers

On March 23, 2021, the IT-Law Handbook was published, which deals with the topics of law, economics and technology in digital transformation.

ConPolicy-Project Manager Dr. Sara Elisa Kettner and Director Prof. Dr. Christian Thorun contributed to the publication with an article on the subject of “IoT for consumers within the smart home”. They analyzed opportunities and challenges of the smart home from a consumer perspective and derived recommendations for a consumer-friendly implementation of data protection and security in the smart home.

You can find more information about the publication here.

Presentation of the results of the research project 'ConProTec_ted – Rethinking consumer protection digitally'
ConPolicy participates in Lunch Talk of the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection

On March 18, 2021, the first event in the BMJV Lunch Talks series took place. In a one-hour digital format, research projects funded by the BMJV on the topic of 'consumer enabling technologies' are presented. After a welcome by the host, State Secretary Prof. Dr. Christian Kastrop, ConPolicy project manager Dr. Otmar Lell presented the results of the recently completed research project 'ConProTec_ted – Rethinking consumer protection digitally'.

In the second presentation, Dominik Pins from Fraunhofer for Applied Information Technology (FIT) presented a research project on data sovereignty and empowerment of consumers in data protection when dealing with voice assistants.

The following discussion revealed the potential of digital applications to protect and empower consumers using the concrete example of privacy information in voice assistants. At the same time, the challenge of developing attractive and user-oriented digital solutions for consumer protection and consumer empowerment became clear.

You can find more information about the project and the study results here.

  Consumer policy news

Autonomous vehicles: Consumers see advantages for the climate and traffic flow

Today, the digital association Bitkom published the results of a representative survey on self-driving cars. According to the results, more than half… Read more

Increased demand for smart home devices during pandemic

The German Society for Consumer Research (GfK) released new figures on consumption preferences regarding Technical Consumer Goods (TCG) including… Read more

Sustainable consumption
Consumers in favor of animal welfare in egg production

Today, the German Consumer Association North Rhine-Westphalia (VU NRW) published a survey on consumer expectations on the issue of killing male chicks… Read more

Consumer behavior
Packaging waste per capita increases by four kilograms

Today, the German Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) published new data on the volume of packaging waste in Germany for 2019. The results show that… Read more

Sustainable consumption
Increasing electrical waste per capita in Germany

On the occasion of World Recycling Day on March 18, 2021, the German Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) published new data on electrical waste in… Read more

Sustainable consumption
New consumer survey shows impact of Corona pandemic and 'greener' choices

Today, the European Commission released the Key Consumer Data 2020 on consumption choices of EU households. The survey results demonstrate that the… Read more

  Recommended reading

The role of consumer organizations to support consumers of financial services in low and middle income countries

As technology delivers greater access to financial services, more consumers are now using financial products than ever before. A World Bank report in… Read more

Rückert-John, J. et al.
From ideas to concepts – How can target group-specific communication succeed in the circular economy?

Consumption practices and habits are diverse in a modern society. There is no such thing as a typical consumer; various social characteristics such as… Read more

Activity report 2020 – 29th report on data protection and freedom of information

In its activity reports, the Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (BfDI) gives a review of the focal points of his work… Read more

BMJV & Max Planck Institute for Innovation (Eds.)
Data access, consumer interests and public welfare

Data are considered to be key for the functioning of the data economy as well as for pursuing multiple public interest concerns. Against this backdrop… Read more

Werg, J., D. Scheffler & M. Hilscher
Youth and consumption: Development of activating strategies for sustainable consumption with the help of the Design Thinking Approach

The project was to identify activating strategies for sustainable consumption among youths – and, in doing so, to keep as close to their present… Read more

Unfair trading practices in digital market: Evidence and regulatory gaps

The Consumer Policy Research Centre (CPRC) is a strong supporter of an unfair trading practices prohibition being introduced in Australia. This reform… Read more

ibi research & trinnovative GmbH
Empirical research on personalized prices in e-commerce

Individual cases of personalized prices when shopping on the Internet are repeatedly discussed in public and in the media. So far, however, there has… Read more

Mundhenke, R., L. Rott & C. Körner
How we live – Our path towards a zero-emission and resource-friendly future

How can we make Germany greenhouse gas neutral by 2050 and at the same time significantly reduce our raw material requirements? This RESCUE study… Read more

Santarius, T. et al.
Digitalization and sustainability

Future technology between resource consumption and opportunities for socio-ecological transformation – This journal 'Ökologisches… Read more