ConPolicy Newsletter 2021 - 8

Dear Reader,


In today's issue ConPolicy informs you about: 

We wish you an exciting read!

Kind regards!

Your ConPolicy team

  News about ConPolicy

Annual accounts for flat owners' associations
New study for DIN Verbraucherrat

Annual accounts are of great importance for apartment owners. This is because financial obligations and entitlements in form of additional payments or refunds result from them. Despite the great importance of annual accounts, only relatively unspecific (legal) content and design specifications exist to date. Against this background, the study commissioned by the DIN Verbraucherrat (DIN-VR) aims to develop the basis for a new standard for annual and operating cost statements.

To this end, an inventory of the current practice of annual accounts is being conducted. Actual problem situations will be identified by means of literature analysis, expert interviews and by analyzing annual accounts. On this basis, a model for reasonable annual accounts will be developed. Existing templates and decision-making aids for annual accounts are identified, analyzed and evaluated. A draft proposal for a standard will be derived from this and fed into the standardization work.

Further information on the project can be found here.

  Consumer policy news

Sector inquiry reveals lack of consumer protection for mobile apps

The German Federal Cartel Office presented the results of its consumer investigation into mobile apps today. The results reveal some occasional yet… Read more

New Eurobarometer: EU consumers see climate change as world's biggest problem

Today, the European Commission published the results of its new Special Eurobarometer survey among EU citizens on climate change. For the overwhelming… Read more

Law adjustment aims to strengthen consumer rights on social networks

As of today, the Act Amending the Network Enforcement Act (NetzDGÄndG) comes into force. In its original constitution from October 2017, the Network… Read more

  Recommended reading

Farrell, A. et al.
Greening pensions: A behavioral perspective

In this report, BIT – The Behavioural Insights Team contributes to the emerging conversation on green pensions by highlighting the benefits of using a… Read more

Rathje, R., F.-Y. Laschet & P. Kenning
Artificial intelligence in the financial services industry – What is the importance of customer trust?

The use of artificial intelligence in the financial services industry is enabling the digitalization of asset management, among other things. However,… Read more

Zimmermann-Janssen V., M. Welfens & C. Liedtke
Transformation towards sustainability – Why we need a literacy for sustainable consumption

The progress of climate change and the deterioration of the environment make it clear that sustainable development, which has been called for… Read more

Reisch, L.
Shaping healthy and sustainable food systems with behavioral food policy

This paper focuses on policies that are enlightened by behavioral insights (BIs), taking decision-makers’ biases and use of heuristics into account… Read more

Gossen M. & A. Heinrich
Encouraging consumption reduction: Findings of a qualitative study with clothing companies on sufficiency-promoting communication

Sufficiency aims at reducing resource consumption and thus requires individual behavior change. Although it seems counterintuitive at first glance,… Read more

Galvin, R., E. Dütschke & J. Weiß
A conceptual framework for understanding rebound effects with renewable electricity: A new challenge for decarbonizing the electricity sector

The authors develop a conceptual framework for investigating rebound effects that occur consequent to increases in renewable electricity generation… Read more

Meier, M.
Administrative action inspired by behavioral science – Challenges and perspectives for the implementation of state nudging in Germany

The concept of nudging has drawn attention to the influence of behavioral insights on government policies. This thesis examines the challenges and… Read more

Reisch, L., C. Sunstein & M. Kaiser
What do people want to know? Information avoidance and food policy implications

What information would people like to have? What information would they prefer to avoid? How does the provision of information bear on welfare? And… Read more