ConPolicy Newsletter 2022 – 1



ConPolicy wishes you a good start into a successful and happy year 2022! In the first newsletter of the year ConPolicy informs you about:

We wish you an exciting read!

Kind regards!

Your ConPolicy team

  News about ConPolicy

Job advertisement at ConPolicy
We are looking for a Team Assistant starting April 2022

ConPolicy - the Institute for Consumer Policy - is looking for a Team Assistant (m/f/d) starting April 2022 in Berlin with interest and commitment to provide administrative and organizational support to the team and the management.

For more information on the job posting, please click here

Project for the European Parliament
Study on the impact of influencers on advertising and consumer protection in the single market

At the request of the European Parliament's Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO), ConPolicy and VVA will conduct an in-depth study on influencer marketing in social media within the European Union. The objective of the study is to provide information on the impact of influencers and to analyze the relevance of influencers as market actors from a business and consumer perspective. Furthermore, the most common issues related to influencer marketing and consumer protection as well as legislative and non-legislative measures to tackle consumer protection concerns will be identified. Lastly, it will be examined how the Covid-19 pandemic has affected the role of influencers. 

The project consists of a desk review of relevant literature, consultations and workshops with experts, social media influencer monitoring and a legal review. Furthermore, best practices to address the most pressing consumer protection concerns will be analyzed.

More information on the project may be found here.

New project for the European Commission
Study to identify initiatives to provide local advice to consumers

Consumer organizations play an important role in providing consumers with independent advice. This advice assists consumers when they purchase a new (complex) product or when they encounter a problem with a trader or service provider after they have purchased the product. To solicit this advice, consumers are traditionally expected to visit consumer advice centers. But research and experience in many EU member states show that many consumers that would benefit from such advice, do not visit the advice centers.

Hence, some member states experiment with new forms of advice services. The European Commission’s New Consumer Agenda recognizes these “non-traditional” forms of consumer advice and foresees to support initiatives providing local advice to consumers.

Against this background, DG JUST commissioned this study to map initiatives in the 27 EU Member States that provide advice to (vulnerable) consumers at local level and identify good practices. This new study will be conducted jointly by VVA and ConPolicy from November 2021 until October 2022.

Further information on the project can be found here.

  Consumer policy news

Sustainable online shopping: 40 percent buy second-hand goods online

The digital association Bitkom today published new survey results on the issue of sustainability in online retail. According to the results, 40… Read more

Consumer protection
Consumers expect compensation in case of delay or flight cancellation

Today, the Federation of German Consumer Organizations (vzbv) presented survey results on the topic of air passenger rights. According to the results,… Read more

Consumer behavior
Increasing amount of household waste and more online shopping during Corona pandemic

Today, the German Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) published new figures on household waste for 2020 and online shopping for 2021 in Germany. In… Read more

Customer reviews most important source of information for online shopping

Today, the digital association Bitkom published new survey results on the importance of customer reviews on the Internet. According to the results,… Read more

Majority of German consumers see artificial intelligence as an opportunity

Today, the digital association Bitkom published the latest results of a consumer survey on the issue of artificial intelligence (AI). The survey… Read more

New Eurobarometer: Europeans support digital principles

The European Commission (EC) today presented the results of its special Eurobarometer survey on digital rights and principles from a consumer… Read more

German consumers increasingly concerned about their digital estate

Today, the digital association Bitkom published current survey results on how Germans manage their digital estate. Regarding security codes for… Read more

Christmas gifts are bought mainly online during the Corona pandemic

The digital association Bitkom published today new survey results on the shopping behavior of German consumers during the Christmas season. According… Read more

  Recommended reading

Rohde, F. et al.
Sustainability criteria for artificial intelligence – Development of a set of criteria and indicators for the sustainability assessment of AI systems along the life cycle

Technical dynamics and advances in the field of so-called artificial intelligence (AI) and especially machine learning (ML) have led to its ubiquitous… Read more

Federal Network Agency
Interoperability between messenger services – Overview of potentials and challenges

Thanks to the rapid spread of smartphones and the use of the mobile Internet, messenger services have now become widely established in Germany. A… Read more

Gigerenzer, G.
How to remain smart in a smart world

What exactly do the smart devices in our homes record? Is autonomous driving the future? Where do algorithms make better decisions than humans, and… Read more

Oehlmann, M. et al.
Effects of changing incomes on resource consumption

Private household income and consumption have been growing for some years. At the same time private household consumption accounts for a high… Read more

Heyen, D.
Social effects of environmental policy

This study provides an overview of the current state of research and research needs on the social effects of environmental policy as well as of… Read more

The Consumers International guidelines for online product safety

These guidelines – developed by Consumers International and its member organizations – set out recommended actions for governments, marketplaces and… Read more