ConPolicy Newsletter 2022 – 11

Dear Reader,


In today's issue ConPolicy informs you about: 

We wish you an exciting read!

Kind regards!

Your ConPolicy team

  News about ConPolicy

New pilot project in the district of Höxter
ConPolicy supports the development of consumer work in rural areas 

Due to limited catchment areas and economic constraints, consumers in rural areas cannot be adequately reached by the conventional counselling and support services of the consumer advise centers. Outreach work is a promising strategy for solving this problem.

Against this background, the pilot project 'Consumer work in rural areas' of the VZ NRW, financed by the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and the district of Höxter, is testing an innovative concept of outreach consumer work in the district of Höxter. The project involves the development of an overarching approach consisting of mobile offers in the district on site, central and digitally supported counselling as well as digital self-help. The aim of the project, which will run from October 2021 to the end of December 2023, is to establish low-threshold structures on site and to systematically integrate them into the conventional information and support infrastructure of the consumer advise centers. 

For this purpose, ConPolicy will provide ongoing scientific advice to the VZ NRW in a first work package through targeted workshops. In a further step, a customized evaluation concept will be developed to assess measures and effects. The third work package comprises the evaluation of the consumer work carried out in the district of Höxter. Finally, a report will present proposals on how the findings can be transferred to other rural regions in NRW and nationwide. 

Further information on the project can be found here.

New study on behalf of PD – Berater der öffentlichen Hand
ConPolicy contributes to a feasibility study on a transparency system for the agricultural and food sector

In order to achieve the goal of sustainable, future-proof agriculture as set out in the coalition agreement of the Federal Government, PD – Berater der öffentlichen Hand GmbH is conducting an interdisciplinary feasibility study on a data-based transparency system for the agricultural and food sector with regard to sustainability performance and fair prices for producers on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL). 

ConPolicy supports the PD in the preparation of this feasibility study regarding the political and legal framework conditions that have to be considered in the implementation of a data-based transparency system. ConPolicy's contribution consists of the stocktaking and evaluation of the relevant political and legal framework conditions, participation in working group meetings within the framework of the project as well as workshops with inputs and the presentation of the results of the stocktaking. In addition, the Institute will contribute to a results document including a recommendation on how to integrate the findings into the system to be developed.

Further information on the project can be found here

Insights from project on green nudges support energy conservation
BDEW interviews ConPolicy

What role does nudging play in the current energy crisis? How can nudges help save energy? The German Association of Energy and Water Industries (BDEW) put these and other questions to ConPolicy project manager Dr. Annette Cerulli-Harms.

During the interview Dr. Cerulli-Harms explained that nudges can provide incentives for desirable behaviors such as energy conservation without limiting behavior through prohibitions or regulations. Many findings from the ConPolicy project on "green nudges" to encourage climate-friendly behavior for the National Climate Initiative (NKI) could also be applied to the topic of energy conservation. For example, standard and default settings - such as automatically switching off lights using timers or motion detectors – would be expected to work well. "Such measures [...] are implemented once, and cause an effect every time they are used," Dr. Annette Cerulli-Harms said in the interview. Nudges that target social behavior and herding effects and work with feedback might also motivate people to save electricity. Nudges have the greatest effect when they are associated with clear calls-to-action. Prompts such as "Set your refrigerator temperature two degrees higher" immediately make it clear what needs to be done. "If you then go on to show how much money can be saved as a result, many people join in. With phrases like 'Saving electricity is important,' on the other hand, it remains unclear where to start."

BDEW represents more than 1900 companies in the fields of electricity, natural gas and heat, as well as renewable energies, electro-mobility, energy networks, and water. The association is committed to secure and efficient energy supply and sustainable water management.

You can read the complete article here (in German).
Further information on the project 'Green Nudges' can be found here.

ConPolicy input as part of Apollon Symposium on Planetary Health

On September 30, 2022, the Apollon University of Applied Sciences held its 14th symposium on "Planetary Health". The aim of the event was to identify overlapping starting points for sustainable solutions in the fields of environmental, climate and health protection. 

In his lecture entitled "Nudging: promoting sustainable and healthy behavior through small changes", ConPolicy's Julius Rauber explained which distortions of perception often make healthy and sustainable behavior more difficult and how nudging or certain nudges can help here. He also presented various nudge examples from ConPolicy's research project Green Nudging.

  Consumer policy news

Many German consumers do not feel safe on the Internet

Today, the digital association Bitkom published new survey results on the perception of Internet security among German consumers. According to the… Read more

Financial services
Commission seeks to accelerate EU-wide implementation of instant payments

Today, the European Commission adopted a legislative proposal to make instant payments in Euro available to all consumers holding a bank account in… Read more

Financial services
New Eurobarometer survey on how Europeans interact with digital financial services

Today, the European Commission published the results of its new Eurobarometer survey on how Europeans interact with the financial services world in… Read more

Consumer protection
New dena energy survey: German consumers adjust their heating behavior

Today, the German Energy Agency (dena) published new survey results on rising energy costs and heating behavior among German households. The majority… Read more

  Recommended reading

Rohs, M. & G. Flore
Sustainable mobility in the city for tomorrow: Roadmaps 2030/2045 and their effects

Mobility is a central prerequisite for participating in social life and makes a significant contribution to a high quality of life. At the same time,… Read more

The state of cyber security in Germany 2022

Overall, the already tense situation on cyber security in Germany worsened further in the reporting period. The threat in the cyber space is thus… Read more

Modla C. & T. Räuchle
Consumer Report 2022 – The situation of consumers

The energy price crisis is a consumer crisis – this is what the new Consumer Report 2022 by the Federation of German Federation of Consumer… Read more

Majera, J. et al.
The effects of visual sustainability labels on consumer perception and behavior: A systematic review of the empirical literature

Demand-side mitigation solutions such as changing peoples' consumption behaviors can substantially help limit climate change (IPCC, 2022). Labelling… Read more

Nikravech, M. et al.
The Food Waste Lab: Improving food waste reduction behavior through education

Research has demonstrated the relevance of addressing food waste (FW) in private households in mitigating climate change. There is, however, little… Read more

Di Giulio, A. & R. Defila
The importance of narratives for the environment and sustainability

The study presents results of the project 'Working on and with narratives for sustainable development – Preparing the ground for social… Read more

Gimkiewicz, J. et al.
The role of longevity and useful life for sustainable use of clothing

To support more sustainable use of clothing, many activities in recent years have focused on production conditions in the supply chain and the… Read more

Züger, T. et al.
Civic Coding – Foundations and empirical insights to support public good-oriented AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the subject of many headlines. Technical systems that integrate AI are seen as having great potential and are expected… Read more