ConPolicy Newsletter 2022 – 5

Dear Reader,


In today's issue ConPolicy informs you about: 

We wish you an exciting read!

Kind regards!

Your ConPolicy team

  News about ConPolicy

New ConPolicy publication
Digital marketing strategies – Relevance and influence on sustainable consumption

As part of the research project "Digitization of Markets and Lifestyles: New Challenges for Sustainable Consumption", which was commissioned by the Federal Environment Agency from January 2019 to December 2021, one focus was on investigating the impact of digital marketing strategies on consumer behavior. For this purpose, a literature review, expert interviews, cross-sectional surveys and a behavioral experiment were conducted to shed light on digital marketing strategies from different perspectives.

The results were published in the series of UBA texts in April 2022 and can be accessed from the UBA-website.
More information on the research project may be found here.

Project for the European Commission
Supporting consumers exercise their rights

Denied boarding on a flight, difficulty cancelling a contract with an internet provider, or a scam with add-on insurance – these are just a few examples of the types of issues consumers face on a regular basis. Many issues can be addressed with the manufacturer or service provider directly, but some remain unresolved. In such cases it is important for consumers to know their rights and ways to seek redress. The European Online Dispute Resolution Platform (ODR platform) by the European Commission helps consumers to understand their rights and access different routes of dispute resolution. DG JUST has asked a consortium formed of VVA, LE Europe, and ConPolicy to support the ODR platform in this task through behavioral insights.

This behavioral study will therefore investigate the most recurrent and frequent consumer problems and the respective legal frameworks surrounding them. To this end, the consortium will analyze market data and conduct stakeholder interviews. Furthermore, behaviorally informed solutions to how consumers could be empowered to seek redress, including via the ODR platform will be tested in a behavioral experiment with 8,000 consumers in four EU Member States.

More information about this project can be found here.

Consumer needs in communication - behavioral science perspective
ConPolicy presentation at the BDIU-Strategy Forum22

On 08.04.2022 the BDIU-Strategy Forum22 took place, which addressed the relevant topics of the debt collection industry and ventured outlooks on the future of the industry. ConPolicy project manager Dr. Sara Elisa Kettner gave a keynote speech at the forum on the topic of "Consumer needs in communication - behavioral science perspective".

The presentation provided an overview of how communication from companies to consumers can be used constructively to empower them in their consumption decisions. Both good and bad practices, such as white and dark patterns, default effects or loss aversion, were highlighted using vivid examples.

ConPolicy starts research project funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection
Better access to and visibility of sustainability information in online retail

The importance of online retail has been growing for years. At the same time, awareness of sustainable consumption is rising among the population. However, consumers face the challenge of finding reliable sustainability information when searching for products and making purchases. The "ZuSiNa" project (FKZ: 67KI21009A), funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV), aims to close this gap for the textile sector as an example and to make sustainability information in online retailing more accessible and visible using data-driven technologies.

The 24-month project started in March 2022 and is being carried out jointly by ConPolicy, Fraunhofer IAO (CeRRI), Fraunhofer ISI and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI). In addition, wide-ranging practical partners from industry have been recruited for the project.

Further information on the “KI-Leuchttürme”-funding guideline, in which the project is funded, can be found on the BMUV and ZUG websites.

Further information on the project content and implementation can be found here.

  Consumer policy news

Neobanks poplular among young consumers

Today, the digital association Bitkom published new survey results about Neobanks, in which banking services are handled entirely digitally via… Read more

Environmental and climate issues concern young people – Results from the latest youth study

Today, the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) together with the German… Read more

Commission presents new proposals to promote sustainable products and the circular economy

As part of the European Green Deal, the European Commission (EC) proposed a package of measures to make sustainable products the standard across the… Read more

  Recommended reading

Stiftung Datenschutz (Ed.)
Data protection in the connected vehicle

Unobserved driving for free citizens? A retreat with personal freedom – for many people today, that is still the car, whose individual use is… Read more

Deichsel, T.
Digitalization of dispute resolution – The use of technology-based dispute resolution tools in Germany

The subject of this work is the development of an overall concept for the digitization of the German dispute resolution landscape, taking into account… Read more

Altvater, S. et al.
EU Single-Use Plastics Directive – Analysis of provisions and potential measures regarding extended producer responsibility

The study was to undertake a legal analysis of the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) provisions of the SUPD with a view to its implementation in… Read more

Consumer debt and over-indebtedness in times of COVID-19

Consumer debt and over-indebtedness restrict financial self-determination. It is the task of the state to ensure that a minimum level of… Read more

Beyerl, K. et al.
Pathways to the sustainable use of plastics: Key messages from social science research

The input of plastics into the environment is growing worldwide. Since existing regulations are not sufficient to curb the problem, the… Read more

Gossen, M., V. Frick & S. Kettner
Digital marketing strategies – relevance and influence on sustainable consumption

This report presents an empirical study of the effects of digital marketing strategies on consumer behavior within the Federal Environmental Agency… Read more

Uhlmann, M., J. Kropf & J. Lamla
Data intermediaries as fairness actors in the data economy

Challenges in the data economy are increasingly being discussed from the point of view of fairness. Central to this is the insight that, in addition… Read more

Schneider, I.
Data fiduciary services through intermediaries – Opportunities, challenges and implications

Trustee models of data governance aim to bridge the gap between the informational self-determination of data subjects and the harnessing of their data… Read more

Research on consumer risks and benefits of dynamic electricity price contracts – A risk or an opportunity to save?

This study was requested by the BEUC (The European Consumer Organisation) and carried out by Cambridge Econometrics. The objectives of the study are:
Read more

Damar, D.
Opportunities and risks of Artificial Intelligence and algorithms from a legal antidiscrimination perspective

Due to technical developments in recent decades, artificial intelligence (AI) and algorithms are used in several areas of life: in the labor market,… Read more

Stiemerling, O., S. Weiß & C. Wendehorst
Research opinion on consent management according to section 26 TTDSG – Study on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy

The central topic of this study is possible specifications for technical and organizational measures to implement the consent management provided for… Read more

BMUV & UBA (Eds.)
Future? Youth 2021: Environment, climate, change – What young people expect and how they get involved

This study examines what young people think about the environment and climate, how they get involved, and which environmental and climate protection… Read more