International Degrowth Conference 2024: Reflective Decluttering as a Starting Point for a Minimalist Lifestyle (Pontevedra, June 20 2024)
Fachtagung Fahrradland Niedersachsen/Bremen 2024: Making changes in mobility behavior easier: How do incentives affect active mobility?
(Bremen, April 23 2024)
Digital Summit 2023: Digital circular economy - digital product passport for more sustainability and consumer protection: What do consumers expect from digital sustainability information?
(Jena, November 21 2023)
Future Mobility Summit of the Tagesspiegels: Nudging in corporate mobility management
(Digital, September 2023)
SCP2023: Transforming Consumption-Production Systems Toward Just and Sustainable Futures: Lifestyle minimalism and decluttering: Helpful or harmful for sustainable consumption?
(Wageningen, July 06 2023)
TUM Heilbronn Workshop: Facilitating environmental decisions using choice architecture: New lessons from the lab and field: Making changes in mobility behavior easi(er): Complementary effects and limitations of choice architecture
(Heilbronn, May 26 2023)
5th symposium on rethinking consumption: Do we have enough? Sufficiency and moderation of consumption as a path to a more sustainable future: (Not) My thing – Possession reflection and reduction through decluttering as a contribution to sufficiency consumption?
(Vienna, September 22, 2022)
Event series IVM.UM.NEUN.PENDELN.FRM.EINE.STUNDE: Working, living and commuting from the perspective of commuters
(Virtual, March 16, 2022)
Expert Dialogue 'Digitization and Citizen Communication in the Circular Economy' of the BMU and UBA: Keynote Speech: Making Sustainable Consumption Easy with Findings from Behavioral Science
(Virtual, November 10, 2021)
Table talk of the Dr. Rainer Wild Foundation: Foodwaste – Consumer sensitivity and opportunities at the point of sale
(Virtual, July 22, 2020)
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