
The Institute

Who we are and what we can do for you

About us

ConPolicy GmbH is a research and consulting firm founded in 2010. Its services are aimed at public institutions, organizations and companies which deal with consumer policy issues. The institute is directed by Prof. Dr. Christian Thorun.

In recent years, the institute has implemented research and advisory mandates for the German Federal Government, German federal ministries, German state consumer protection ministries, the European Commission, the German International Cooperation (GIZ), the Otto Group, the REWE Group and ING among many others (References / Customers).

What we offer

We support policymakers in executing effective consumer policy. ConPolicy also advises companies how to live up to consumer expectations' for a responsible business conduct.

Together with our clients, we are committed to sustainable structures in consumer policy, effective consumer policy instruments and behavior-based policies in various consumer markets.

Our mission is to offer our clients independent advice, which is based on facts and evidence. In order to achieve this, we undertake scientifically-sound empirical and analytical studies and bring together relevant consumer policy stakeholders at our dialogue events. – We work in the national, European and international context.

Our Team

Prof. Dr. Christian ThorunFounder and Managing Director

Prof. Dr. Christian Thorun is a recognized expert in consumer policy. He advises the German Federal Government and the European Commission, among others, on consumer issues. more

Emily BringmannProject Manager

Emily Bringmann is responsible for consulting projects and studies in the areas of consumer behavior, consumer policy and behavioral insights. Her main areas of expertise include sustainable consumption and digitalization. More

Dr. Annette Cerulli-HarmsProject Manager

Dr. Annette Cerulli-Harms is responsible for leading projects which use behavioral change interventions focusing on areas such as retail finance, digitalization, real estate and sustainability management. more

Sophia DaschProject Manager

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Sophia Dasch manages projects in the areas of consumer behavior and consumer policy. Her main topics include sustainability communication, sustainable consumption, education for sustainable development, and digitalization. more

Florian FrankeProject Manager

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Florian Franke is responsible for consulting projects and studies in the areas of consumer policy, consumer policy instruments and behavioral insights. His main areas of expertise include individual climate adaptation and digitalization. more

Hannah HorschkeProject Assistant

Hannah Horschke supports ConPolicy in various consulting projects and scientific studies. Her main focus lies on quantitative data work. more

Dr. Sara Elisa KettnerProject Manager

Dr. Sara Elisa Kettner leads consulting projects and studies in the areas of consumer policy and behavioral insights with a focus on responsible digitalization and sustainability. more

Dr. Otmar LellProject Manager

Dr. Otmar Lell is an expert in the fields of consumer policy and consumer law. His focus includes regulatory approaches in consumer policy, digitalization, issues of consumer law enforcement as well as consumer interests and sustainable development. more

Marlene MünschProject Manager

Marlene Münsch is an expert in conducting quantitative and qualitative empirical studies to investigate consumer behavior. She is responsible for consumer policy studies and consulting projects focusing on sustainability, digital transformation and alternative consumption patterns. more

Charlotte QuilainAdministration and Finance Manager

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Charlotte Quilain works as an administrative and financial manager at ConPolicy. She is responsible for controlling, financial planning and personnel administration and is also working on the digitalization of the institute. more

Dr. Julius RauberProject Manager

Dr. Julius Rauber is an expert in consumer surveys and empirical analyses. In particular, he examines consumer behaviour in the areas of mobility, the digital world and sustainability.more

Our Fellows

As an institute, we value cooperation and connection with people working in other institutions. In order to consolidate this cooperation, some of our former employees are associated with ConPolicy as fellows. Where appropriate, we cooperate with our fellows, for example, in the preparation of studies or the conception and moderation of events.

Dr. Viola MusterProject Manager

Dr. Viola Muster is project manager for consumer research and responsible for planning and implementing studies on consumer behavior, sustainable consumption and consumer policy. more

Dr. Max Vetter

Dr. Max Vetter has been associated with the Institute as a fellow since 2021. more

Our contribution to sustainability

At ConPolicy, we not only advise clients about best practices in corporate responsibility, we take responsibility for our impacts on society and the environment.


The direct CO2 emissions of ConPolicy are low. However, the CO2 emissions created by our energy use and business trips are minimized by:

  • use of green electricity that is not produced with coal or nuclear power
  • our website is hosted by a provider that uses green electricity
  • we dispense with flying as often as possible - if this should not be possible we compensate the CO2 emission of each mile
  • we only use environmentally-friendly paper in our communications
  • we use the “go green” service of Deutsche Post DHL to compensate CO2 emissions that relate to the dispatch of letters


We work with the GLS Bank, which has a corporate focus on social, environmental and cultural enterprises and projects.