
Our services

Our approaches to find answers to your questions

Consumer research

Effective consumer policy must be based on consumer realities. In our empirical consumer research, we focus on the actual behavior of consumers. We use tailor-made study designs, modern research methods and powerful techniques for statistical analyses.

Choice experiments

  • We analyze the determinants of consumer behavior, both in the laboratory and in the field.

Consumer surveys

  • We collect representative consumer attitudes, opinions and knowledge

Focus groups

  • We moderate and organize experience exchanges for consumers.

Interviews with experts

  • We bring together topic-focused expert knowledge and assessments of consumer policy issues.

Data analysis

  • Our powerful data analysis methods provide empirically validated insights into consumer attitudes and behavior.

Analytical research

Consumer policy-makers require independent information and expertise to make informed and effective decisions. In our analytical research, we systematically process current consumer policy developments and compile empirically sound decision-making bases for our clients. In doing so, we pursue a holistic approach beginning with defining the issue, through model-based preparation of data and information, up to the identification of potential effects and the consideration of different options for action.

Processing the public discourse

  • We process the crucial data, facts and figures of the public discourse in consumer policy.

Processing the scientific discourse

  • We systematically analyze the relevant scientific literature on consumer policy and consumer behavior.


  • We structure and analyze consumer policy issues.

Impact assessment

  • We identify and compare the outcomes and side effects of consumer policy measures.


  • We assess the effects of consumer policy measures and initiatives.

Materiality analysis

  • We identify and classify relevant fields of action together with and for companies.


Rapid developments in consumer environments constantly present governments, businesses and civil society with new challenges. Together with companies, organizations and political decision-makers in Germany and abroad, we are committed to proactively shaping consumer policy structures and dealing effectively with the challenges of consumer policy. We work fact-based and open-minded. Our clients benefit from our many years of experience, the wide range of applied tools and large network of relevant consumer policy stakeholders.

Policy consulting

  • Together with political decision-makers, we shape the consumer policy of tomorrow.

Strategy consulting

  • We advise companies and organizations in developing and implementing their consumer policy strategies.

Corporate Digital Responsibility consulting

  • We support companies in fulfilling their responsibilities in the digital world.

International consulting

  • We are committed to sustainable consumer policy structures worldwide.

Behavioral Insights consulting

  • We promote sustainable behavioral change for consumers and employees.

Dialogue formats

Answers to consumer policy issues should not be based on theory alone, but rather on constructive exchanges between all relevant consumer policy stakeholders. In our dialogue formats, we combine expertise, innovative methods and communication to find answers to the challenges of consumer policy. Together with our clients, we develop custom-made concepts for successful events, from in-house workshops to larger moderated events, from expert lectures to multi-stakeholder dialogues.

Stakeholder dialogues

  • We bring together relevant consumer policy stakeholders.


  • We enable a productive exchange, even if things get heated.


  • We open up the realms of possibilities with our clients and enable working on new ideas.

Expert lectures

  • We contribute to the social and scientific discourse on consumer policy issues.