
All lectures and presentations by Dr. Otmar Lell

  • Lunch Talk from the German Federal Ministry of Justice: Consumer protection technologies: Potentials for the use of digital technologies in consumer protection and consumer policy (Virtual, March 18, 021)
  • Competence Center Sustainable Consumption (KNK), Web Seminar "Sustainable Online Trade": Environmental product information in online retailing – Requirements, obstacles and possible solutions (Virtual, March 17, 2022)
  • German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection. Community Convention Sustainable Digitalization: Online shopping thought sustainably – For a better visibility of sustainability labels in online trade. The data interface of the BMUV-funded project ZuSiNa (Virtual, November 24, 2022)
  • Organisation Werbetreibende im Markenverband: Presentation of the results of the European good practice initiative on consent management for cookies (Virtual, May 02, 2023)