Once again, the German Federal Network Agency released its report on the work of the consumer conciliation board for telecommunications in the previous year. It is mandated by the new Consumer Dispute Settlement Act to inform the public once a year about the conciliation procedures that have been excectued. The aim of the consumer conciliation board is to settle disputes between users and telecommunications providers outside of court. In this sense, the consumer conciliation board since 1999 has been acting as a neutral body under the Telecommunications Act.
In the case of arbitration cases in the telecommunications sector, these relate mostly to disputed invoice items, the lack of promised services, disruptions or connection blocks or problems when switching the provider and relocating the connection. What is important for consumers is a customer service that is easily accessible and equipped with appropriate skills, enabling them to settle disputes in direct contact with the provider. If no solution can be found, the board has proven to be a successful mediator between the contending parties in these cases of conflict.
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