
Innovation Workshop for the Federal Environment Agency and the Federal Environment MinistryAlgorithms, filters and search engines for sustainable consumption

Algorithms decisively influence the digital visibility of products, for example in search engines or on comparison and rating platforms. Whether sustainable consumption on the Internet succeeds or not therefore depends to a large extent on algorithms. How can algorithms be put at the service of sustainability? With which innovative ideas and concepts can algorithms be used to promote sustainable consumption?

Within the “Leuchtturm” initiative "Ways and components to build a digital agenda for sustainable consumption" by the Federal Environment Ministry and the Federal Environment Agency, answers to these questions and ideas for pilot projects are sought for in two workshop sequences. The workshop sequence "Algorithms, filters and search engines for sustainable consumption" starts with a first creative workshop on:

Date:                    Tuesday, 14 January 2020, 10:00 am – 4:30 pm

Place:                   German Federal Environment Ministry, Berlin

The event is aimed at initiators from companies, start-ups, initiatives and other organizations who want to make an active contribution and promote project ideas. It is organized by ConPolicy employee Viola Muster together with the Institute for Ecological Economy Research and Gerd Scholl.

If you are interested in participating, please contact Dr. Viola Muster (

We are looking forward to the exchange during the workshop!