
Presentation on behavioral science insights to promote sustainable consumption in the circular economyConPolicy presentation at the expert dialogue 'Digitalization and citizen communication in the circular economy'

The expert dialogue "Digitization and Citizen Communication in the Circular Economy" of the German Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) and the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) dealt with the question of which approaches and possibilities digitization offers for communication with citizens in various fields of action of the circular economy and which accompanying framework conditions are necessary.

In this context, ConPolicy project manager Marlene Münsch gave a keynote speech on the question of how insights from behavioral science can be used to facilitate sustainable consumption by consumers in various phases of the circular economy. Further impulses on digital marketing and youth communication were presented by Prof. Dr. Christian Schlereth (WHU) and Mareike Schemmerling (JFF). In working groups, representatives of municipalities, the waste management industry, and retailers, as well as experts in communication, then discussed promising approaches to digital citizen communication.