The market watchdogs Digital World at the Federation of German Consumer Organizations (vzbv) published a representative survey on the quality of Internet connection in German households today. As a result, around one third of users has recurring problems and disruptions related to their Internet connection.
For this survey, the market research institute Kantar TNS was commissioned to conduct telephone interviews with a total of 1,008 consumers aged 18 and above about their Internet connection in July earlier this year.
These are the survey's core results:
In total, about one quarter of respondents said to have had one disruption with their DSL, cable or fiber Internet connection over the past 24 months — while about one third reported multiple disruptions within the same time span.
In 60 percent of the cases, the disruptions lasted for less than a day, in 23 percent of the cases one to two days and in 17 percent of the cases for three days or more.
Recurring connection disruptions occurred for a period of more than four weeks in over half of the cases.
62 percent contacted their provider at least once because of a problem and 21 percent even contacted their providers three or more times.
Dennis Romberg, speaker for market watchdogs Digital World at vzbv, commented: "It's unbearable that the Internet connection will fail repeatedly for weeks and that consumers have to constantly contact their providers in order for the connection to work again. Currently, consumers lack the legal scope to demand a permanently trouble-free Internet connection from their providers."
Source: Market watchdogs Digital World
More information and survey details