
Kahlenborn, W. et al.Consumption 4.0: How digitization is changing consumption – Trend report on estimating environmental impacts

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Walter Kahlenborn, Benno Keppner, Christian Uhle, Stephan Richter & Tobias Jetzke

Release date:
March 2019

German Federal Environmental Agency (UBA), department for fundamental questions, sustainability strategies and scenarios, resource conservation

Digitization is profoundly changing our society. It changes the way we work, produce, communicate or even how we consume. This trend report systematically examines how digitization is changing the consumption process – from the moment that a purchase is made, how information is collected and evaluated, how it is paid for, how consumers get the products and how the products or services are used. For those changes, which are accompanied by relevant environmental pollution or environmental relief, first political recommendatins for action and further research are presented.

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