
DRSCCSR report – Horizontal study and recommendations for action for the revision of CSR guideline as commissioned by the BMJV 

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Deutsches Rechnungslegungs Standards Committee e.V. (DRSC)

Release date:
January 2021

DRSC on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (BMJV)

On March 19, 2020, the German Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (BMJV) commissioned the German Accounting Standards Committee e.V. (DRSC) to carry out a study on the implementation of the requirements from the CSR Directive Implementation Act. The following step were part of this endeavour: 

  1. a horizontal study examined the non-financial reporting of 100 representative selected companies over the three-year period 2017–2019 on the basis of 15 given questions,
  2. four three-hour integration events, each with 25 participants from all stakeholder groups (companies, audit firms and recipients of the information, including representatives of civil society) and
  3. based on the above sub-work, recommendations for action on the upcoming revision of the CSR guideline with regard to eight overarching issues were submitted.

Since the sample companies are made up in equal parts of capital market-oriented companies on the one hand and credit institutions and insurance companies on the other, the results of this study cannot easily be compared with the results of other studies. This study has three chapters: In the first chapter the commissioning and the methodological approach are presented in detail. The second chapter presents the results of the horizontal study on the issues requested by the BMJV. In the last chapter, the requested recommendations for action are presented along with a detailed explanation.

Link to publication