
Uhlmann, M., J. Kropf & J. LamlaData intermediaries as fairness actors in the data economy

Recommended reading

Markus Uhlmann, Jonathan Kropf & Jörn Lamla

Release date:
February 2022

Consumer Centre North Rhine-Westphalia, lecture 15 of the series 'In trustworthy hands'

Challenges in the data economy are increasingly being discussed from the point of view of fairness. Central to this is the insight that, in addition to problems of misuse of personal data, questions about the fair distribution of data-economic proceeds or manipulation and discrimination by algorithms are becoming increasingly relevant. In this context, the question of fairness can be understood as a question of the fair mediation of different values, in which trade-offs and limits of models of value mediation must also be reflected. In this context, we understand data fiduciaries as entities that want to provide precisely this mediation and in this respect position themselves as 'fairness actors'.

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