
Riechert, A.Data portability – Policy paper

Recommended reading

Anne Riechert

Release date:

Foundation for Data Protection, Policy paper

The Stiftung Datenschutz discussed the topic of data portability in three workshops with participation of experts from politics, supervisory authorities, industry, science and society. Impulse for initiating the talks was given by facebook, since the company had published a White Paper on portability in which several issues were pointed out which also the Stiftung had an eye on. On this occasion, the Foundation revisited the content of its 2017 project work. The aim was to take stock of the questions: (How) has the right to data portability arrived in practice? Which chances and risks of this – still young – data subject right from the DSGVO may arise?

The workshops were summarized and evaluated by Stiftung Datenschutz in aggregated form and the respective conclusions were linked in an overall summary (see the following chapters). Based on this, recommendations for action were drawn up.

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