
Olliges, J. et al.Development of concrete strategies and contributions for the national implementation of the UN 2030-Agenda for Sustainable Development for SDG 12

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Julia Olliges, Jan Christian Polania Giese, Manuel Bickel, Jens Teubler & Martin Hirschnitz-Garbers

Release date:
October 2021

German Federal Environmental Agency (UBA), texts | 138/2021

The project (FKZ 3717 16 308 0) established systematic activity monitoring for the national and international implementation of SDG 12 by Germany. The aim: to determine the implementation status – in addition to the UN and DNS sustainability indicators for SDG 12 – and derive potential options for action. The first step evaluated the relevant activities at national level using a set of criteria developed in the project, processed in a user-friendly database. The content of the database factor into international reporting processes (e.g. the official UN reporting on SDG 12.1 to the 'One Planet Network'). In addition, the project team examined the indicators on sustainable consumption in the German Sustainability Strategy for their suitability with respect to the sub-goals of SDG 12 and, on this basis, created momentum for the further development of the existing national indicator system. The project closes with concrete recommendations for action to improve the national implementation of SDG 12 in the period 2021 to 2030.

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