The 2023 results make it clear: Many consumers want to eat healthily and sustainably. Fewer and fewer respondents eat meat and sausage products every day. At the same time, the proportion of people who eat vegetarian and vegan alternatives to animal products every day is steadily increasing. This is also reflected in purchasing behavior: A good half of those surveyed have already bought these products at least once. At the same time, the proportion of those who have not yet added such alternatives to their shopping carts has fallen compared to 2021. There are many reasons for buying them: Curiosity remains the number one reason. However, better compatibility with the climate and the environment, animal welfare and taste are also decisive factors.
The Nutrition Report also shows that people want to know where the food they eat comes from and how it was produced. For many respondents, it is important to receive information about how the animal from which the food comes was kept. And they value the fact that a food has been produced in an environmentally friendly and resource-saving way, or that it has been fairly traded or organically produced. In the case of eggs and fresh vegetables and fruit in particular, it is important to respondents that these come from the region in which they live.
The respondents have a concrete idea of what agriculture should look like. A large proportion would like politicians to work for better animal husbandry conditions and the expansion of organic farming. Mandatory, state labeling of animal husbandry and higher incomes in agriculture are important to them.
All of this is reflected in the German government's agricultural and food policy. The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) promotes organic farming and wants to increase the share of organically produced, seasonal-regional food in daycare centers, schools, company cafeterias and the like. A plant-based diet is to be strengthened and basically an environment created in which it is easy to eat well and sustainably. The law for mandatory state animal husbandry labeling went into effect in August 2023. It is intended to ensure transparency and clarity with regard to the way animals are kept and to enable consumers to make informed purchasing decisions.
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