
Event of the MFFKI Rhineland-PalatinateInvitation to the event: Consumer Protection at Noon – But that's my data! How a consumer-friendly data economy can succeed

The digital event series 'Consumer Protection' at Noon of the Ministry for Family, Women, Culture and Integration Rhineland-Palatinate taking place on November 13, 2023 from 12:00 to 13:00 is dedicated to the topic 'But that's my data!' How a consumer-friendly data economy can succeed.'
The event will explore the question of whether and, if so, how a self-determined approach to data in the digital world could look. On the one hand, the economic benefits of data are beyond question and there is enormous potential for new business models, more efficient processes, intelligent products and customer-friendly services. On the other hand, the data economy poses challenges and dangers for consumers, who rightly wonder whether they are still the 'sovereign' of their own data. How can data be protected while maintaining data security and privacy, if at the same time access to free knowledge and to data that is particularly useful to society is to remain guaranteed?
Consumer Protection Minister Katharina Binz invites you to an exciting exchange with the following guests:

  • Prof. Dr. Louisa Specht-Riemenschneider (University of Bonn, Chair of Civil Law, Law of the Data Economy, Data Protection, Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence)
  • Ingo Dachwitz (editor,
  • Maximilian Heitkämper (Head of the Digital and Consumer Law Department, Verbraucherzentrale Rheinland-Pfalz e.V.)
  • Dr. Christian Humborg (Board of Directors, Wikimedia Deutschland)
  • Dr. Ralf Scheibach (Head of the Legal Department, German Association of the Automotive Industry)

The event will be moderated by ConPolicy managing director Prof. Dr. Christian Thorun.
If you would like to participate, please register via email at