Today, the German Energy Agency (dena) presented the results of its study on the mobility transition in Germany. The results indicate that general approval of alternative drive technologies is increasing among the population. 57 percent of German consumers would choose a vehicle with alternative drive technology when buying a car.
For this survey and as part of the dena project 'Redesign, development and operation of a central information platform for the energy transition in road traffic', Forsa conducted telephone interviews with a total of 1,002 people in Germany above the age of 18 years regarding their mobility preferences in November 2020.
These are further results:
For the vast majority of 91 percent of German consumers changing to alternative drive technologies is essential in order to reduce transport-related CO2 emissions. Especially vehicles with hydrogen or fuel cell technologies (41 percent) and battery-electric technologies (37 percent) were considered most climate-friendly.
57 percent of respondents would choose a vehicle with alternative drive technology when buying a car. At the same price, as many as 73 percent of consumer would opt for an alternative drive engine and only 15 percent would choose a conventional motor.
Assuming identical prices among the alternative drive technologies, hydrogen or fuel cell technologies would be the most popular (25 percent), closely followed by battery-electric and hybrid technologies (each 23 percent).
Women and people in the age group of 18–29 year olds prefer battery-electric vehicles more often, while for men and people in the age group of 45–59 year olds, hydrogen drives are more likely to be the suitable alternative.
Andreas Kuhlmann, chairman of the dena management, commented: "The survey results show a steadily growing interest in alternative fuel vehicles. This is a very good development and shows the ongoing paradigm shift. More and more people want to travel in a climate-friendly way. Now it is up the manufacturers to expand their range and introduce affordable vehicles of various classes to the market."
Source: dena
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