The EU and the US are currently negotiating the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). A distinct feature of TTIP is, that it is envisioned as a living agreement. Not only prevailing regulatory trade barriers shall be removed, but also the formation of new ones should be prevented by closer regulatory cooperation. To this end, the negotiation partners plan to set up a transatlantic regulatory council.
Jointly with the Permanent Representation Baden-Württemberg ConPolicy hosts a round-table discussion on October 8 2014 to discuss possible objectives and precondition of the regulatory council and international best practices in this regard. Members of the round table are Lutz Güllner (Deputy Head of Unit „Communication, Information and Civil Society“, European Commission, DG Trade), Christiane Gerstetter (Senior Fellow, Ecologic Institut), Ernst-Christoph Stolper (retired State Secretary and member of the working group on international environment policy at BUND) and Dr Stormy-Annika Mildner (Head of Department Foreign Trade Policy, BDI).
Further information can be found here.
Source: ConPolicy GmbH