This study provides an overview of the current state of research and research needs on the social effects of environmental policy as well as of lacking (or insufficient) environmental protection. The focus is on policy measures at the German federal and EU level and their effects in Germany. The analysis focuses on those social effects that are experienced at the individual or household level, referred to here as 'social impacts'. The study distinguishes between the following impact categories:
- employment
- income, revenue, expenditure
- assets
- health
- care work, everyday life and leisure
- psychosocial impacts
- political participation
After some introductory clarifications of a conceptual nature, the main body of the study summarizes the empirical state of research along the aforementioned impact categories. Within these, the research results are in turn organized according to sub-fields of environmental policy (such as energy, transport, resource efficiency, biodiversity, etc.). The literature review covered all major sub-areas (except radiation protection), whether with regard to environmental media, economic sectors or consumption areas. For each impact category and each cluster of policy sub-fields, further research needs are identified and overarching recommendations for future research are made across the board.
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