There is growing evidence that consumers’ food choices are shaped by the 'food environments' they navigate in. Most individuals, however, do not realize the extent to which their eating habits are steered by a multiplicity of factors, from the ads they keep seeing on billboards in the street to the range of food products that is available at the supermarket, through the promotional offers and discounts offered by retailers. Today’s food environments largely push consumers towards diets which are not in line with healthy eating recommendations. Yet shifting to healthy, more plant-based diets with 'less and better' animal source foods (ASF) can benefit people’s health while bringing a series of co-benefits for climate and the environment, farm animal welfare, and food security. The European Commission has announced a proposal for a legislative Framework for Sustainable Food Systems (FSFS) for the autumn of 2023. This landmark law must pave the ground for a transformation of food environments through subsequent policy measures and interventions, both at EU and national level, to address the availability, affordability, and desirability of healthy and sustainable food.
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