
Brönneke, T., C. Föhlisch & K. Tonner (Eds.)The new law of obligations – Digital products, sales law, contract law

Recommended reading

Tobias Brönneke, Carsten Föhlisch & Klaus Tonner (Eds.)

Release date:

Nomos publishing, Baden-Baden

The contract law of the BGB experiences through the implementation of EU directives:

  • new regulations for contracts for digital products - irrespective of the type of contract, on updating and data protection
  • amended right of revocation
  • new terms for defects, extension of the reversal of the burden of proof
  • information duties for online marketplaces/comparison portals about their ranking
  • new EGBGB information obligations

This new handbook provides the legal profession as well as in-house counsel and associations with the knowledge in good time to deal with the new regulations to be applied from the cut-off dates of 1.1. and 1.5.2022.

Link to publication